Rapidshare - Your saved files will be deleted soon!

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Hi guys, i've registered right now, because i've received this mail too and because i was not knowing if it's phishing or what, so i forwarded it to RS and ask them:
Hi, i've just received this mail, i believe it's phishing, but how can someone know my e-mail and my corresponding account ID? Because the ID match... And if it's not fake, so i was thinking that files won't be deleted if account's subscription period will expiry, or yes?
And they responded me:
Guten Tag

the "Premium" features of the account XXXXXXXX have expired / will expire
soon. As stated in our news message from the 25. of May 2010 Premium accounts
are no longer deleted. Now account simply lose all "Premium" features. This
means that the account no longer has download volume, warranted storage space
and uploads are limited to 200MB per file.

You have the option to extend your "Premium" features by using the "extend
account" link in your Premium zone.

To be as customer-friendly as possible, "Premium" features do not
automatically renew.

Best regards,

RapidShare Support

RapidShare AG
Gewerbestrasse 6
6330 Cham
So, i still don't understand what it means, so the mail is really from RS or what? And what about file deletion? That means just files over 200MB will be deleted, or what? Have someone got any idea what this exactly means?
Second mail, second response.
Guten Tag

Kindly note if you store files in an expired premium account, your files will
be handled as free user files. It means that all files which have not been
downloaded within the past 60 days will be deleted by the system even you
store less then 50GB in your account.

Best regards,

RapidShare Support

RapidShare AG
Gewerbestrasse 6
6330 Cham
The mail is not fake. But it's alarming and very confusing. Fortunately, you'll don't need to be afraid about your files. Problem solved.
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