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I'm really sad today ! Rapidshare blocked my Collectors account.... When i tried to login in my premium account which was created from the blocked collectors account..... I get this message :(

Fraud detected, Account ************: This account has been closed because it was created from RapidPoints and the original account has been closed.

I have more 60k points and more 4k files in that collectors account...... Help me guys .....:'(:'(

I have seen that many of you had also experienced this...... and get your account back by just sending a mail to them..... What should i tell them ??????? Please help :'( :'(
it happened to me 3-4 months ego, I know ho you feel, but there is no way to get t back.
Btw, what shall we do to avoid blocking our accounts?
@Jayzzy You mean having multiple collectors account and moving files between them ? Right ?

I'm really n00b at these RS things, as i have just started the uploading thing....... Some suggestions will help me alot.
the same happened to me 2 months ago,Sent them million emails but failed to get my account back :(

you may start new collector account now ^_^
@Jayzzy You mean having multiple collectors account and moving files between them ? Right ?

Yes thats what i mean
Whenever you reach a point when u think you should be selling ur account or have a feeling of getting blocked then move them..once moved they wont block ur account , its all due to the files in them
i upload games, movies and porn too....... and i upload to collectors account which get blocked........ :(
@m107 i delete them as soon as rapidshare block them.

But i upload them again. e.g i uploaded a Wii game more than 30 times. Could this be the reason ?
I hv only seen probs with music uploaders, not sure abt porn uploaders tho. Dunno y they blocked ur a/c.

reuploading a blocked stuff more than 30 times <== this might hv been the reason tht they blocked ur a/c.

Follow these tips to stay safe in future:
1. Reupload a blocked stuff max. 5 times only.
2. Create max. 3-4 prem. a/c in a day.
Is it me or anyone didn't notice this?

Fraud detected, Account ************: This account has been closed because it was created from RapidPoints and the original account has been closed.

How could it be a collectors account if it says the account was created from points? Or was it a premium account before and did it only become a free account, coz this only happened a few days back.
Am I the only person here that sees the strangeness of that message?

This account has been closed because it was created from RapidPoints and the original account has been closed.
You say you created your Collector account with Rapidpoints?!

EDIT: didn't see your post there Ghost :p
i have posted the message that i got when i tried to login my Premium RS acc, which was created from the collectors account. That collectors account has got blocked.

here is the message in Collectors account :Fraud detected, Account *******: This Account has been locked by our Abuse-Team.
any proved reason? :|

cant say abt the 5 times thing, but yup I had 3 coll. a/c from last 2 years. One of them got blocked n I used it for reuploading only. I used to reupload sum movies tht can fetch max views like 2012, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk etc. n I reuploaded them 30+ times. cant guarantee tht u can get blocked by reuploading a lot but thtz wut happened with me.
But the other 2 a/c (2 years old) r still working fine n now I juz reupload max 2 times.
Just got the reply frm RS. They refused to open it. They said that i had voilated their terms of uploading file. Fcuk Rapidshare.... I think its reuploading the blocked files cost me the locking of that collectors acc.
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