Rapidgator Discussion thread

Fucking Shave
I don't understand how that is shave? You have 3 sales in 81 downloads? Am I reading it right? Usually I work with 1000 downloads or more and get 2+ sales. Today I have 500 downloads and 2 sales. I don't understand why are you complaining :)
I don't understand how that is shave? You have 3 sales in 81 downloads? Am I reading it right? Usually I work with 1000 downloads or more and get 2+ sales. Today I have 500 downloads and 2 sales. I don't understand why are you complaining :)

cause i dnt trust with this stat, i trust my uploads

upto AUG i earn 1800+ but after aug my earn max 1000 or less ,
I don't understand how that is shave? You have 3 sales in 81 downloads? Am I reading it right? Usually I work with 1000 downloads or more and get 2+ sales. Today I have 500 downloads and 2 sales. I don't understand why are you complaining :)

cause i dnt trust with this stat, i trust my uploads

upto AUG i earn 1800+ but after aug my earn max 1000 or less ,

Can you please tell the world what alien porn movies you upload which are not available on this earth :facepalm:
Nothing strange... 3-5 sales per day is so many for you?

I don't understand how that is shave? You have 3 sales in 81 downloads? Am I reading it right? Usually I work with 1000 downloads or more and get 2+ sales. Today I have 500 downloads and 2 sales. I don't understand why are you complaining :)

Why so many people think that many downloads = many sales? One person can post 5-10 Gb files in part, another can post ebooks. Numbers of downloads doesnt mean anything :)
Nothing strange... 3-5 sales per day is so many for you?

I don't understand how that is shave? You have 3 sales in 81 downloads? Am I reading it right? Usually I work with 1000 downloads or more and get 2+ sales. Today I have 500 downloads and 2 sales. I don't understand why are you complaining :)

Why so many people think that many downloads = many sales? One person can post 5-10 Gb files in part, another can post ebooks. Numbers of downloads doesnt mean anything :)

You didn't understood a thing of what I said. I know that number of downloads not = number of sales, that is what I said there. If he had like 3 sales in 80+ downloads then I should have like 30 sales. Well I stop here, if you understand me well, if not not :). But usually 3 sales in 80 downloads is pretty good and that's not a reason to say they are shaving you! You can say they steal from you when you have proof that somebody purchased a premium account and you didn't got credited....

He posted a screen with 3 sales and 81 downloads and he is staying that he got mugged without any other comments. To most of us that is not making any sense.
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Fucking Shave
i would actually relate that more to the lower traffic wbb is getting nowadays

hmm, alright.

Then how he got so many sales only on rg without premium links. Really strange.
thats because he is one of the top 5 uploaders @ wbb

You didn't understood a thing of what I said. I know that number of downloads not = number of sales, that is what I said there. If he had like 3 sales in 80+ downloads then I should have like 30 sales. Well I stop here, if you understand me well, if not not :). But usually 3 sales in 80 downloads is pretty good and that's not a reason to say they are shaving you! You can say they steal from you when you have proof that somebody purchased a premium account and you didn't got credited....

He posted a screen with 3 sales and 81 downloads and he is staying that he got mugged without any other comments. To most of us that is not making any sense.
you actually don't get it ... downloads are counting only free users & only one per ip per day .... if you have a 100GB pack of files which are required to be downloaded as a whole like big games/whole seasons of series ... you will have very low download count compared to sales ... thats because no free user would actually dare to download it unless he is going to buy a premium ...

but if you post applications/books/small clips (5MB-300MB)... you will likely have 1000+ with little sales because downloading 5mb even with free dl is not actually a problem specially if using jdownloader... but downloading 10+GB files as a free user is a whole new story


btw, yesterday was a really bad day for me too :facepalm:

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you actually don't get it ... downloads are counting only free users & only one per ip per day .... if you have a 100GB pack of files which are required to be downloaded as a whole like big games/whole seasons of series ... you will have very low download count compared to sales ... thats because no free user would actually dare to download it unless he is going to buy a premium ...

but if you post applications/books/small clips (5MB-300MB)... you will likely have 1000+ with little sales because downloading 5mb even with free dl is not actually a problem specially if using jdownloader... but downloading 10+GB files as a free user is a whole new story

:)) Omg! I got that! It's so logical that I can't even believe you wrote that in a explanation. You just spoke to enter the conversation... I mean really, you basically explained that if I don't drink water I will die, or if I won't breath air I can't live. Of course posting bigger files you have less downloads and a great change to get more sales...

I know what you are saying... I said that in 80 downloads, 3 sales is pretty good (it's not a reason to say, "THEY ARE SHAVING"). Even if you upload files of 8000 TB!
In fact there is no reason to spam this thread every time with claims and words like "SHAVING" if you don't provide any proof. If you are not satisfied with the filehost then change it and if you have proof they are stealing then prove it and unmask them, but I am sick every day I enter any thread here to read the same shave accusations with not a single proof behind it!

I post a question and I expect an answer but all I see is "SHAVING DAY!" in the replies. Yeah you can bitch, cry that you have a bad day, you can ask users if they are experiencing the same stats, (to help you in your decision, if you stay or no with this filehost) but come on... Do you really think that saying here "THIEVES, THEY STEAL, SHAVING", with no real proof you gonna make them not doing that or...?
I know what you are saying... I said that in 80 downloads, 3 sales is pretty good (it's not a reason to say, "THEY ARE SHAVING"). Even if you upload files of 8000 TB!

for me few months back, i was getting 10+ sales for 100 downloads


nowadays, its 200+ downloads with very few sales even though the same files are being uploaded since then


In fact there is no reason to spam this thread every time with claims and words like "SHAVING" if you don't provide any proof. If you are not satisfied with the filehost then change it and if you have proof they are stealing then prove it and unmask them, but I am sick every day I enter any thread here to read the same shave accusations with not a single proof behind it!

I post a question and I expect an answer but all I see is "SHAVING DAY!" in the replies. Yeah you can bitch, cry that you have a bad day, you can ask users if they are experiencing the same stats, (to help you in your decision, if you stay or no with this filehost) but come on... Do you really think that saying here "THIEVES, THEY STEAL, SHAVING", with no real proof you gonna make them not doing that or...?

dude, even with having the above stats as an example, i never said the words shaving or stealing before ... in the above comment i said i had a bad day & related the low sales to the low traffic :sleeping: no need for arguing here, please, don't waste more of your time as well as mine
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for me few months back, i was getting 10+ sales for 100 downloads


nowadays, its 200+ downloads with very few sales even though the same files are being uploaded since then


In fact there is no reason to spam this thread every time with claims and words like "SHAVING" if you don't provide any proof. If you are not satisfied with the filehost then change it and if you have proof they are stealing then prove it and unmask them, but I am sick every day I enter any thread here to read the same shave accusations with not a single proof behind it!

I post a question and I expect an answer but all I see is "SHAVING DAY!" in the replies. Yeah you can bitch, cry that you have a bad day, you can ask users if they are experiencing the same stats, (to help you in your decision, if you stay or no with this filehost) but come on... Do you really think that saying here "THIEVES, THEY STEAL, SHAVING", with no real proof you gonna make them not doing that or...?

dude, even with having the above stats as an example, i never said the words shaving or stealing before ... in the above comment i said i had a bad day & related the low sales to the low traffic :sleeping: no need for arguing here, please, don't waste more of your time as well as mine

you are not alone.
