Rapidgator Discussion thread

just wait... for few more hours else then contact support...

same problem, on profile>payments shows it paid, but not recieve any wmz on my keeper classic.
and now they send me dmca delete notification email 3 times.
now I send another email. waiting for proper reply from them.
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And after several days, it's now zero & zero....with thousands of downloads :D. May be we'll have to think that is an game we have to play - RG game :D

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Reason: More than 30 days. :facepalm:

they delte more then that daily with DMCA ......i don't have unlimited plan..... so no use of limited space and unlimeted space however while on unlimited they were deleting avg of 500 files a day now limited space they are deleting with the avg of 100 files a day ;)
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i`m uploader from 3 years maybe more please don`t tell me for luck :) only because you have 1036 downloads this mean nothing.. this can be mp3 files yes if i upload mp3 files on some blog i will also make 1k downloads maybe more :)
nidzamarkoni what you mean with don`t lies us ? if you can`t make sales what's my fault ? i just share my stats for today so what is your problem ?

xaxaxaxa rg paying me yes they pay me everyday 100$ because of you please don`t write bullshits.. they pay me also for luckyshare and uploaded and other hosts... if you check my old post you will see how i complain for sales counter in rg and luckyshare... but for now rg work good for me... that`s all i don`t care if you believe me or not

by the way here is picture from moment when i start work with RG... they also pay me to work hard on PPD before move to PPS :)

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i don`t know how to help you .. yes sometimes i also believe they cheat in sales but when i see that i write mails and looks like after that stats it`s ok... in your case maybe best way is to change host for one month... or if you post only rg in your site add some new host and move rg on second position to see what will happen
@vAiLan, nice to meet you, of course I'm not an newbie in PTU or MMO, and my system is almost perfect except not much sales as expected, it's not MP3 file but large files, at least 100MB and above. Why I'm here is just saying that I deserve more from Rapidgator


Downloads are increasing by minutes (please comparing to before screenshot)

It's not like I saying you're wrong and I'm true but I just want to say that something are not right for me, would you help me to resolve this ?
That's wired.
everyday the same?