Rapidgator Discussion thread

http://rapidgator.me/ is big scam and isn't new filehost . when you try to make new account it will direct you to rapidgatore with ref number

http:// rapidgator. net/account/registration / ref/ 21896

stay a way from it , rapidgator it's only one rapidgator.net/
Hello.. i need from help :( 2 days i try to upgrade from mini keeper to Light in webmoney and i can`t.....
so i go to settings page and i click Enable Light after that redirect me to:


i check some videos and there if you click enable(Light) your account have to upgrade on the moment.. no redirect so where is the problem with me ? i have sms confimation if that is important..

thank you.
@vAiLan:- dude submit a ticket to webmoney support regarding this and they will help you in deeper. I got a response with in 4 hours after submission and they helped me properly.