PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Members of any of these file hosters, I wouldn't put any more time into putlocker/sockshare until you receive payments putlocker has read these topics on videobb no comment from his side no comment on upgrades I can only assume the worse at this point.
In my eyes, there has always been a huge difference between Putlocker and Videobb...VBBDave was/is a whiny child who bragged too much (apparently about nothing). I would expect them to do something shady like jump ship without paying their uploaders...Putlocker, even though they have their many problems, have tried to be fair. If the worst were to happen, I'm sure they would pay us first.

I could be wrong, but I am going to continue to work with them...There really aren't that many alternatives left!

Just like with any internet company when one dies 5 more are born, you don't think people are watching the videobb situation and preparing their site or trying to build up their current site, trust me they are, and history usually repeats itself.
Well...I do trust what you say. I think you know more about the internet world than me, but it all just feels a little....premature.

But, what do I know...I could most definitely be wrong!
I think many VBB users have to say apologize to Putlocker :))
where is now dave ?? run away after he sow we are stable we get more servers we live longer ...

bla bla bla ...
Members of any of these file hosters, I wouldn't put any more time into putlocker/sockshare until you receive payments putlocker has read these topics on videobb no comment from his side no comment on upgrades I can only assume the worse at this point.

Marcopolo, you seem like you have a problem with putlocker because you are from another host...

Don't try to convince other people otherwise.

Putlocker has always been prompt with their payments and are indeed one of the best in the business when it comes to streaming media.

Stop trolling, we have had enough of you and this is no way to spread negative rumors about Putlocker, since none of it is true.

So please do us all a favor and stop commenting here as everything you say is Crap..
Some of us are only in this for the money and some of us never dreamt we could even earn money just from the clicks of a mouse. I was linking here long before I ever earned any money from it.
My thoughts are I hope this host site is around for a very long time. I'm more worried about site Admin's and possible repercussions they may be facing. If I lose out on a pay for a month my only thoughts will be are the Admin ok?, and thank you that I ever could earn money here.
If i was so against putlocker i wouldn't purchase monthly premium service, read up before you type, I've stated in previous forums I do have certain issues with putlocker if they were to be fixed promptly im sure other users would enjoy it and I would upload with putlocker as I have in the past, as of now I'll wait and see what happens see if changes are made within putlocker see if other file hosting sites appear with proof of payouts etc etc I've always said putlocker is the best for streaming and has great potential to be even better I hope that will happen and I know current users hope for the same. And videobb was prompt with payment just before they screwed their users so that doesn't hold much merit now with me nor does it

"with yourself as I've seen your post on the videobb forum about how you're pissed you just started and got no payment."

Where did you get that from?
I have never even used videobb, do you have to make up lies to defend yourself now..

I have a yearly subscription to Putlocker, does that mean anything?? lol

All I said was you have been commenting negatively about Putlocker ever since you started posting here, which is not warranted or asked for, since it's all "LIES"

We all want Putlocker to survive this plague of sorts...

Now that videobb has gone down the gutter, find other places to troll.

You're right and I'am wrong I was looking at a different user, forgive me I've had a few drinks, I was doing some toast to videobb :) Anywho, I can say one thing about putlocker, even though I was pissed and bashed him in previous post he payed probably his worst critic at that time which was me, So In that respect I do believe alot of what he says.
Hi, how much uniques per day I need to upgrade to level 3 or 4? (I want number same as you said we need 1000uniq/day for lvl 2) :)
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