PutLocker.com - Get Paid For Sharing Your Streaming and Non-Streaming Content

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Can I upload the files in both two sites (Putlocker and Sockshare) at the same time ?

I used to heard that, I would get ban if i do that :P

It is just for back up purpose.
because some of my files were deleted after maintenance and it's quite hard to find the source of that files again. Would be very easy to upload the files to Sockshare ,and download-upload them again if the files in putlocker have problems.


I can only have 1 account.
why cloning feature is only for pro account holder....can u please make this for all because sometime uploading is not available because of maintenance or video get lot of time to get uploaded...
please reply
What is cloning feature ?

Is it the external upload system where one account can absorb the files download link from the other accounts into one's profile files , fast and easily ?

if yes, I think it is a good idea to close it because it kinds of unfair system to the users who spend most of his times uploading the file into his account in order to share that files to the others and make money while some people sneaky stole it fast and easy (honestly they do nothing).

if no, i'm sorry. my bad understanding

No offense to anyone :)
this feature is made for ease of servers from too much upload of same files :)and general purpose is to save space on hard drives. when i upload 1 file and you upload same file (example some episode of a show) the episodes are same and we will save upload speed and space on servers becouse the source will be 1 file with symbolic links to it for different users that copy links.
Hi Putlocker,

I thought the disabled files had been fixed, but again today some of my files went back to saying:

This content server has been temporarily disabled for upgrades. Try again soon. You can still download it below.

Please fix this for good! This is causing A LOT of extra work for me. Every month the amount of $ I earn has been steadily increasing, but this month looks like I will make less than I did the in any other month due to all of the problems. I am trying to be patient, but this is getting old...

Added after 11 minutes:

The latest message from VBBDave, the immature little boy from Videobb...He sent me this message randomly, out of the blue...

VBBDave said:

I'm sure he is referring to all of the problems Putlocker has had in the last few days. Is there any way I can block him from contacting me? As he has been very immature and disrespectful. He doesn't offend me, but he is like a pesky fly buzzing around...Is there any thing I can do besides ignore him?
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Easy solution first determine if it's just you that has the problem, if you think it is just you, use a web proxy to visit putlocker/sockshare, I've often seen when I used putlocker it would be down for my internet protocol number but mysteriously when I visited with a web proxy wal lah it was up and was able to log in and do my thing.
Web proxy's work because it mask your real internet protocol number, obviously putlocker can see your real internet protocol number and can block it whenever he wants and then unblock it whenever he wants as well and make it seem as if the page is down, if it does that just use any web proxy and login with it :)

Added after 8 minutes:

On a side note if you made absolutely no changes to your pc and obviously you can comment on this forum so your internet is in working order, and others are visiting putlocker/sockshare perfectly fine, could be one of two things a server overload, or your ip was blocked for a period of time, but there's various ways of knowing if a server is overloaded and expell that theory fairly quickly.
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Missing/Removed Files

Is there any way that removed files section to be limited ? not like 200-500-unlimited files on it , something like the file manager of 100 per page and so on ?
Or how about the removed files of that month same with statics, per month would be easy to implement. And tell users when certain files are disabled due to "maintenance" if you can pull them down certainly you can show which ones are disabled. Just kind of a sneaky way for that file to still be there and not receive any hits, and then blame it on server maintenance or whatever you can chalk up that day.
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