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OK Guys I have no gaming experience at all, but my kid loves the stuff. What I need to know basically is pro's and con's between Xbox and PS3.
xbox has awesome online, but has a chance at RROD, there's always the xclamp fix. plus the ps3 doesnt have any hacks out for it -.- go with xbox :)
-Blu ray
-Free online
-Graphics are same as of 360.It has better grahpics for few of its exclusive games.
-Known as the future console since it hasnt maxed out its potential

Xbox 360
-No blu ray
-Paid online ($45 a year which is nothing)
-More exclusive games
-Bigger online community.
-Graphics are same as of ps3 right now beside (Drake uncharted 2 which runs on 720p resolution)
-360 can be modded and u can download and burn free games then.
Sony has talked about 3D games for the PS3 in the near future, trippy gaming.
Blu-ray and the PS3 ability for better graphics was the winner for me.
Neither, they are 4-5 years old, you can really start to tell the difference between console vs PC graphics now, wait for next gen.
PS3 imo.
Why would you hack a game? Make it no fun what so ever.
Also, you can burn "back ups" of PS3 games, it's just not a widel done thing as it requires blue ray disks, blue ray burners, and it's around 50gb to download.


Also sony has some pretty awesome plans
Thanx peops I learnt a lot already he is only 10 so its games really for him and nothing much else I think I may lean towards the xBox and I expect the PS3 might come next year I am sure he will like both but I cant do that LOL.
When you buy something it becomes your private property, u can choose to do w.e with it: smash it, bang it hit it with an axe or modify it w.e u like because its your now.
I have both, and play my PS3 more then my 360. The interface is much easier to navigate, and is much cooler looking. The 360 has ads everywhere, which is pretty annoying actually. The 360's marketplace is great, with their $7 mini games and promoting independent gaming companies though.

I bet he'd want to play with his friends. Find out which they have and get that.
I have both, and play my PS3 more then my 360. The interface is much easier to navigate, and is much cooler looking. The 360 has ads everywhere, which is pretty annoying actually. The 360's marketplace is great, with their $7 mini games and promoting independent gaming companies.

Though, I bet he'd want to play with his friends. Find out which they have and get that.

Thanx for that advice, because to be honest I never even thought of the fact :O he might like to play online with his mates, back to the drawing board 8-)
Its a myth about ps3 online sucking. Its the same as the 360. And BTW ps3 has the psn store which also have the mini games, plus you can gameshare and get shit for free.

Edit thanks bluewolf
What u mean near future? We are playing 3d games.Your lost dude :)

If that was about my post then i ask that you name a 3D PS3 game please.

Edit: just in case your messing 3D with something else, glasses and visuals popping out of the screen, that's 3D.
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