Proffesional Combination Finder

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Hi! I was thinking so much about (yes this is random :P) how many combinations you could get out of 26 letters and 10 numbers, I made a programme because I was so curious!

I manged to find 46656 combinations in a 3 character sized word/whatever.

I may release it, if anyone finds a good purpose for it to be released!
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it could be used to generate passwords from a specific word that is common to the user
but the dont want it to be obvious and easy to crack
it could be used to generate passwords from a specific word that is common to the user
but the dont want it to be obvious and easy to crack

That's a good reason I suppose, especially if you chose a 15 length char combination finder.

I reckon there is over a million combinations in a 15 char length word/w,e so you'd have a good chance at getting a god damn random password lol :D
give me your tool >_>

Lol, I'd like some more feedback first. Do note also: It generates 50 combinations per second. I have a way to make it go even faster, but I think it could crash your computer if I implement this. I'll go try it out, And let ya know!
OMG, wow! I just implemented a fast loop and it made 2000 combinations per second w/ no slowdowns or cpu lag, Let me try even increasing it to 5000. Also this really good because I'm testing this on a cpu with windows xp on!
The highest unique number of combinations possible for 3 letter string is 36x36x36 which is equal to 46656 (n^r). The answer you are getting is quite high. It is because its repeating some combinations. Its taking AAA as 6 possible combinations and not as 1. But those would only be 5x36 extra combinations. So there are few other types of combinations also which it is repeating..So, check it out.

Its 2 AM right now.. i am very sleepy right now. I don't know if this made sense or not.. I could be completely wrong too..
The highest unique number of combinations possible for 3 letter string is 36x36x36 which is equal to 46656 (n^r). The answer you are getting is quite high. It is because its repeating some combinations. Its taking AAA as 6 possible combinations and not as 1. But those would only be 5x36 extra combinations. So there are few other types of combinations also which it is repeating..So, check it out.

Its 2 AM right now.. i am very sleepy right now. I don't know if this made sense or not.. I could be completely wrong too..

You're not completely wrong, but that's not exactly the issue, I found (very easy fix) bug which would also conclude of "done" as the 3rd character after it finished one row, you probably don't understand what I mean, but it's a bug from the way I written the "GetNextChar" function in my app. not easy to explain so let's say you're 50% correct!

On another note: I found 2 million and 30 thousand combinations in a 4 letter word! lol!

and managed to maximize the speed to find 50,000 combinations per second!

oh and added a search box so I could find "cats" and "1337" lol because I was searching for like 10 minutes for cats and couldn't find it :P



as you can see in the 1337 picture you will see what I mean with the "done" bug, which is being worked upon being fixed!
The highest unique number of combinations possible for 3 letter string is 36x36x36 which is equal to 46656 (n^r). The answer you are getting is quite high. It is because its repeating some combinations. Its taking AAA as 6 possible combinations and not as 1. But those would only be 5x36 extra combinations. So there are few other types of combinations also which it is repeating..So, check it out.

Its 2 AM right now.. i am very sleepy right now. I don't know if this made sense or not.. I could be completely wrong too..

Managed to fix the bugs :D

Good. Now test for 4. it should not be even close to 2 million but exactly 36^4 .If it works then you are good to go with the current logic.
Maybe you can now proceed and differentiated between upper and lower case. like A should be different from a. and include symbols too!

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Good. Now test for 4. it should not be even close to 2 million but exactly 36^4 .If it works then you are good to go with the current logic.
Maybe you can now proceed and differentiated between upper and lower case. like A should be different from a. and include symbols too!



nice tool you working on! but would be generally used to make password list & combos. Dont forget to add a export combos option with custom template

Edit: It would be much more efficient if you could give the user a choice to specify threads and stop the application in between if it is threaded
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nice tool you working on! but would be generally used to make password list & combos. Dont forget to add a export combos option with custom template

Edit: It would be much more efficient if you could give the user a choice to specify threads and stop the application in between if it is threaded

I'm not sure what you mean by "with custom templates" and "give the user a choice to specify threads".
your tool is amazing...i think that i ever think .... i know that is your educational project .

may be you written in dot net....

can you please give me hint how i can develop in php :) .... or can you release this ....

purpose : i have 15,000 students ... so i am using this tool to assign IDs
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