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MP5 Problems !!! Need Help :(

When I open My Multiposter (it's extracted all not only the .exe file)
I enter My details
But i Get this
1- connecting ...
2 - Unable to contact server + Window : "unable to complete update check"
I have do the reply in the validation topic

I have tried to use the 5.1 version but I can't fix the problem
What should I do ??

Have You a little tuto Of what should I do in the begining :( :( ?
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After Many times of trying to connect and getting different errors
here you are My second problem :( :(
What version of .net framework Mp5 need ?
The version That I have is "4"
But when I try to post The topic I get this crash !!!

So what to do ???????
My OS : Windows Xp Sp 2 ( it is necessary to have Sp3 ) ?
iS the problem from framework ??
Please help !
MP5 is kinda unusable for me right now. Jay should have released the 5.1 update long back which was supposed to fix all existing bugs but I think he abandoned the development altogether :(
MP5 is kinda unusable for me right now. Jay should have released the 5.1 update long back which was supposed to fix all existing bugs but I think he abandoned the development altogether :(

he already did! he release 5.1 version :)


you messed up with templates mate :) btw is it cracked or?
you gotta download to .Netframework 4, one normal and 2nd one (Standone Installer) just search in extremecoderz you'll get it

another thing, check your templates! if there is any special character, or template without url/without site type/without forum ids
For the login connection error, please try connecting to If you aren't able to connect I'm guessing your IP is banned from the server and this is why you can't login.

As for the post crash, please check your templates. Sometimes this happens from bugged templates that have some HTML encoding inside them. For example: #374. If your templates look weird, remove them.

It sometimes crashes on me too while posting even though my templates are good. But I'm patiently awaiting the new version.

- Jason
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