PR Calculation

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you could never get the accurate info. your spreadsheet is just a guess, and i would say pretty accurate one, at least according to my experience.
I think you can't exacly calculate PR only looking for links. It's more complicated. I wonder from where they get this data.
Those calculation are probably wrong. There are a lot more factors.

But it is based on a default value and extend the math from there. It is a good sum up but too summarized.

What this chart isn't taking into consideration for instance is the PR dilution.

If there is 1000 outbound links on a PR8 page, it doesn't count the same as 1 outbound link on a PR4 page which is better
this is just an estimation,

And note that most probably the highest rank can be achieved is pr7 , for pr8 -9, google awards that to websites manually.
PR10 can only be get if you have a long time positive impact in overall internet.
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