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Hey there everybody,

Were the guys behind, and were looking for link submitters to our site, currently anybody can submit (links go through moderation but we usually approve them within a few minutes). So if your looking to rack up those rapidshare points or your looking for more dough from fileserve or hotfile this is the place to be.

Heres the link to the submit page:

If you have any questions at all please pm us, or post here we don't mind. Have a great day !

Filez.ST Team

If you run any kind of auto-submitter please please please msg us, were really looking forward to getting on the sites that your submitter sends links to!
Disagree with bxflow. Think the index is fine. Maybe a a scroll wheel where it revolves a few of the most popular but I like the simplicity of it.
I know all your content is leeched from WBB but your leacher script is pretty good. It even leeches the replies nicely. You should add a preg_match regex to remove the link checker bot message and moderator messages though. You could also remove the center bb code. Otherwise very nice site and script you have their. Best of luck with it.
Disagree with bxflow. Think the index is fine. Maybe a a scroll wheel where it revolves a few of the most popular but I like the simplicity of it.
I know all your content is leeched from WBB but your leacher script is pretty good. It even leeches the replies nicely. You should add a preg_match regex to remove the link checker bot message and moderator messages though. You could also remove the center bb code. Otherwise very nice site and script you have their. Best of luck with it.

Thanx mate :) Were gonna do that on the second pass, we just wanted to get the site up and running quickly. were leeching their stuff to get the database up and running, what were really looking for is some submittors that would add new links to us without us having to leech it from other places.

bxflow: we thought of doing that also but then decided that we want to keep it simple :)

thanx WSyndicate !

nobody msged me about submissions yet though :( im gonna start harassing everybody soon lol
Hey !

well i added support for multiple link posting in the same thread, give it a try now :)

Let me know if you run into any other problems !

you can post as many links a day as youd like everyone !

Sorry no porn submit at this time :(
Thank you very much for all the submissions :D I approved all of them, at this time we check each one manually before publishing them but later on if anybody submits many links that are of good quality we will make him/her an approved submitter which means their links will go up instantly.

Snell: can you explain ? Are you missing the password field ? if so what browser are you in and what url are you missing the field on ?

Were still working on the site so some features are not up and running yet :)
i think he is telling about RAR pass :P

lol thoooose passwords, we think people should dump them in the description field, making a separate field for passwords seems kinda redundant. What do you guys think overall ?

About the signup, yeah yesterday we decided to make link submission after registration only because people can start racking up points right away. Well give prizes away to our most dedicated submitters.
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