Please share the factors of SEO in 2013 that will determine your survival in SEO

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Quality content and article writing were still be a good strategies. Press Release is also helping. And then submit them to good sources that usually get indexed by Google.
In my opinion, key SEO factors in SEO during 2013 will be:
- HTML5 Adoption - using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for creating dynamic pages suitable for any screen size
- Mobile web - specifically SEO your mobile web pages
- Local content - if you have a location-based service
- Quality content, unique content, up-to-date information
- Quality linking to and from other websites with related information and visitors

2013 is the year for mobile web, with Android and iOS being strong, Windows and Blackberry on a comeback, Firefox Ubuntu and other OS's coming out soon and 4G networks making all of these connected - mobile web will grow big this year. If your website is optimised for mobile - you will reach higher positions on mobile web searches, which will have a knock-on effect onto your desktop and tablet rankings too.
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