phpUploader v2.1 Vanilla - xGUI Version

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Active Member
Hello, everybody knows this php script that has been developed by some members @ wjunction (Check credits below)

The main problem what I found was that the user interface totally sucks, so I decided to make it more user friendly :D

More info:




- Downloads from RS/HF/FS/MU (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Extracts files (Vanilla)
- Can extract password protected RAR's (Vanilla)
- Renames the extracted files (Vanilla)
- Changes the MD5 hash of the files (Vanilla)
- If extracted/downloaded files are videos, MTN will create a screencap and upload it to LulzImg (Vanilla/LeechMod)
- Re-Rar's the extracted file with a custom RAR name (Vanilla)
- Can password protect the new RAR files (Vanilla)
- Will generate a post layout using IMDB info (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Uploads files back to RS/HF/FS/MU (Vanilla and LeechMod)

xGUI Features:
- Awesome new user interface.
- Filemanager with upload/download/edit/delete/rename.
- xGUI page to chech server uptime and server load. And finally also to check if your ip is banned from hotfile.
- More features are planned ;)

- lifetalk for all coding work and the start of phpuploader :D
- Somik for his loadza mods and his dedication to making phpUploader better. And of course, to his VPS, for helping us figure out what a possible problem could be.
- deAthbLiss for his rename mod.
- DeLeTeD for his awesome IMDB mod.
- v3g3t4 for his consistent beta testing.
- sorry if I forgot someone.

My personal respect and cheerz to the people here ^^

PSD included in rar.
everytime i am getting this even after chmodding....

Downloading ....

Could not download . Is your 'files' folder chmodded to 777?

What do i do????
Ah that's a common error. Which files are you trying? If it's HF then make sure your server's ip isn't banned. Otherwise check your account info again.
I got this after i uploaded a movie, it didn't rename the file, didn't take screenshots, it didn't grab imdb info and i didn't create the post correctly.

I was looking forward for this to work, as i really think it is a great tool.

I got this during the process:
 [B]Warning[/B]:  curl_setopt() [[URL="http://www.*******************/uploads/phpUploader_v2.1/function.curl-setopt"]function.curl-setopt[/URL]]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in [B]/home2/looblog1/public_html/*******************/uploads/phpUploader_v2.1/includes/functions.php[/B] on line [B]196[/B]
Extracting downloaded files...
Could not extract. Delete everything in the 'files' folder and re-run the script.

Any solution for this great modified phpuploader?
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