phpUploader v2.1 - Opensource php based auto uploader

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Active Member
Wtf is this? Who the heck are you?
This is phpUploader. An open source and/or free, php based auto uploader. I'm lifetalk - a pretty much unknown figure around here.

What does it do?
FFS! I can't be arsed to keep updating this paragraph, lol. This shit does a lot of stuff. Have a look at the changelog.

- Downloads from RS/HF/FS/MU (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Extracts files (Vanilla)
- Can extract password protected RAR's (Vanilla)
- Renames the extracted files (Vanilla)
- Changes the MD5 hash of the files (Vanilla)
- If extracted/downloaded files are videos, MTN will create a screencap and upload it to LulzImg (Vanilla/LeechMod)
- Re-Rar's the extracted file with a custom RAR name (Vanilla)
- Can password protect the new RAR files (Vanilla)
- Will generate a post layout using IMDB info (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Uploads files back to RS/HF/FS/MU (Vanilla and LeechMod)

Extended features:
- You can add multiuser authentication to the script's access. (Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Notifies you via email and/or flashing screen/sound on completion (Vanilla)
- Uses binary rar/unrar so your server does not need RAR/UNRAR installed (Vanilla)
- Plugin based system (Don't bother with this - Vanilla and LeechMod)
- Can delete unnecessary files from the downloaded RAR (Vanilla)
- Can add your custom files to the new RAR (Vanilla)
- I don't remember the rest.. seriously!

Which filehosts?
At the moment:
- FileServe (Download/Upload)
- Hotfile (Download/Upload)
- Rapidshare (Download/Upload)
- Megaupload (Download/Upload)

Why did you release it for free? (Insert random negative effect of doing so, here)
Fuck you!

Can I donate $XYZ to you?

Because I don't want to make money off warez.

But this is opensource!
Fuck you, again :|

Everyone will use this script to make money, though!
So be it. Look at the positive side. There will be a lot more 'alive' links. Yeah there might be spam, but there's also going to be more choice, variety, etc etc shit.

Got screens?
No. Too lazy to screenshot the new v2.0 release. I haz the Vanilla screens now. Someone screenshot the LeechMod release and PM me pl0xxxxxxxxx. Thankeeeeeeeeeee.

Vanilla Screens:


Vanilla (l0calh0st GUI) Screen:


Download v2.1 LeechMod:

Download v2.1 Vanilla:

Thanks to:
- DeLeTeD for his awesome IMDB mod and skinning phpUploader
- Ronald for designing the skin :D
- deAthbLiss for his rename mod

Special thanks to:
- Somik for his loadza mods and his dedication to making phpUploader better. And of course, to his VPS, for helping us figure out what a possible problem could be :P
- v3g3t4 for his consistent beta testing :D We'll be sure to consistently bug you in future releases, mate :P

Reply here. PMs WILL be ignored.

- PHP Safe Mode disabled.
- PHP cURL extension installed.
- Upload to Rapidshare uses the FileMigrator API function. You need to unlock your RS account (security lock).

How do I install RAR/UNRAR on my VPS/server?
If you have ssh access, then either of the two commands will work for you:
yum install rar unrar -y
cd /tmp
tar -zxvf rarlinux-3.8.0.tar.gz
cd rar
cp rar unrar /usr/bin/
Warning: We are not responsible for how you use the script. Do not use any script modifications or plugin(s) from anyone you dont trust, as they may modify the script to cause harm to your host or premium accounts.

I'll update this post if I've missed stuff out :)
great work to all those who have created or modified this free script. However i would like to know that :

does it download different links at the same time and raring them without messing any link with the other individually. For instant 2 different movies!
Solved it..

By the way, it's not possible to rename the file without unrar/rerar?
only select: Only Rename Files option.
it will work like..

where is your custom filename.

i'll be looking ahead to add a custom suffix and prefix for files.
thatswhathesaid, follow these steps:

Search for:
if (in_array("megaupload", $hosts)){
        if (file_exists($umucookie));
Remove semi-colon after
if (file_exists($umucookie))

It didnt workout for me. :( I am downgrading to V1.2 as it was working fine for me.
only select: Only Rename Files option.
it will work like..

where is your custom filename.

i'll be looking ahead to add a custom suffix and prefix for files.

I changed this
  Other stuff
$prefix = ""; //prefix to add to files when re-rar'ing

And the result is ".rar"
i have found two major bugs:
1. If Archive Size of 400Mb is selected, it split the file to 381 Mb
2. Its not deleting any files which includes '.nfo, .url, htm'

any suggestion

you need to input your custom filename in the textbox which says:
Enter name of new rar file

it takes the rar filename from there..

use the rename option while downloading.
and give your filename where it says: Enter name of new rar file
renames all the files.. :)
It stuck when it is uploading...


I have waited for 45 minits..But still not uploading.. -_-
Updated the script, now you can add a suffix and prefix for your files..

just edit your config.php and customize your prefix and suffix.

give it a rest people, lol.

Keep the suggestions coming in, that's healthy discussion. But wait for a few more hours. I've cleaned up all code and I'll be doing major cleanup, optimization, feature addition, etc etc etc stuff.

I've cleaned the code all over again. v1.6 (or is it v2.0?) you'll be able to mod nice and easy.
Some ideas:

  • If there is a gap between links, that should indicate to start a new post
  • Make an option whether it should delete after uploaded
  • I don't see the point having "Unrar/Rar" options when "Only rename file" is there

  • So it doesn't require people to remain typing in new rar name, is it possible for it to automatically rename with an md5hash followed by their own choice of typing which is in the config?
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