[PHP] NFOGen v2.1 - NFO Rendering (Opensource)

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Such a nono.. haha you can upload a shell and even find out the password to your generator like nothing..
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Where are the haters now?
I posted it here because many user were using your script! But it was vulnerable. Never knew that kiddies will use it like that

Anyway, nice design! But theres still a bug in new script :|

It only checks for file extension so it could still be used as:

That thing will work as default too!

Updated: 13-11-2011
Original by Buzzard
Coded by Qarizma

if( isset($_REQUEST['file']) ) 

$uploadname = $_REQUEST['file'];

//Which filetypes are allowed?
$allow[0] = "nfo";
$allow[1] = "txt";
//$allow[2] = "tmp";
//$allow[3] = "tmp";
//$allow[4] = "tmp";

$extentie = substr($uploadname, -3);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($allow); $i++)
    if ($extentie == $allow[$i])
        $extentie_check = "ok";
        $i = count($allow) + 5;

if ($extentie_check and file_exists($_REQUEST['file']))
        // Load the NFO file... 
        //$lines = file( $_REQUEST['file'] );
$lines = file( $_REQUEST['file'] );

        // Get the longest line.... 
        $longestLine = 0; 
        $numberLines = 0; 

        foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) 
            $line = rtrim($line); 

            $tempLineLength = strlen($line);        // Avoid calling strlen twice... 
            if( $tempLineLength > $longestLine )
                $longestLine = $tempLineLength;

        // The number of line.... 
        $numberLines = count($lines); 

        //Set up the Vars... 
        $fontWidth  = 8;
        $fontHeight = 12;

        $border = 1;    // Not one pixel, but 1*FontWidth and 1*FontHeight

        $imgWidth   = ($fontWidth * $longestLine)   + ( 2 * $border * $fontWidth );
        $imgHeight  = ($fontHeight * $numberLines)  + ( 2 * $border * $fontHeight ); 

        $currentX   = 0;
        $currentY   = 0;

        // Start GD
        $img        = imagecreatetruecolor( $imgWidth, $imgHeight );
        if ($_REQUEST['color']==1) $charMap = imagecreatefrompng( "nfogen_2.png" );
        else $charMap = imagecreatefrompng( "nfogen_2.png" );

        for($j = 0; $j < $numberLines + 2 * $border; $j++ )
            // Avoid calling strlen strlen($line) times :-)
            $currentLineLength = strlen($line);
            for( $i = 0; $i < $longestLine + 2 * $border; $i++ )
                // int imagecopy ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h)
                imagecopy( $img, $charMap, $currentX, $currentY, ($fontWidth * 12), ($fontHeight * 0), $fontWidth, $fontHeight );

                // Move along one char to the right 
                $currentX = $currentX + $fontWidth;
            // Move down a line, and reset the x location
            $currentX = 0;
            $currentY = $currentY + $fontHeight;

        $currentX   = $border * $fontWidth; 
        $currentY   = $border * $fontHeight;

        // Main loop....
        foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line)
            // Avoid calling strlen strlen($line) times :-)
            $currentLineLength = strlen($line);
            for( $i = 0; $i < $currentLineLength; $i++ )
                // Get the Locatino of the char in the charmap image 
                $charYOffSet = 0;
                $charXOffSet = ord($line[$i]); // - 20;        // Becuase my charmap skips the first 20 chars :-)

                while( $charXOffSet >= 20 )
                    $charXOffSet = $charXOffSet - 20;

                // int imagecopy ( resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h)
                imagecopy( $img, $charMap, $currentX, $currentY, ($fontWidth * $charXOffSet), ($fontHeight * $charYOffSet), $fontWidth, $fontHeight ); 

                // Move along one char to the right 
                $currentX = $currentX + $fontWidth; 
            // Move down a line, and reset the x location
            $currentX = ($border * $fontWidth);
            $currentY = $currentY + $fontHeight; 

        // Display the PNG file... 
        header ("Content-type: image/png"); 
        imagepng( $img ); 
        echo "ERROR!"; 

    echo "ERROR!"; 

Let it also check whether file also exists on the server or not
Good job local, it's a nice little script. It has been done before of course, but this uses a slightly different method (using a second image as a character set rather than using a CP437 font).

There are a few parts of it you could do in a smaller amount of code, but for this concept it isn't worth it since it'll be fast anyway :p

As for what soft2050 just said, it is not and never was vulnerable for the following reasons:
- All uploaded files remain in /tmp, they cannot be accessed publicly
- Sure you can 'inject' a remote PHP file, but it will not execute, it will simply have its source printed out
- The content type is always png, so if for any reason code got injected, it will never execute

The only 'security' related thing I'd even consider with this is a size limit, but that's best done in php.ini so irrelevant to local.
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