PhotonServers To Provide GOOD Shared Hosting From Last 3 Months

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Rapid S

Active Member
PhotonServers To Provide GOOD Shared Hosting From Last 3 Months

I suggest you people to buy hosting from PhotonServers ONLY
I have there hosting from from last 3 month ... they gave me 100% UPTIME..

@Rapid S we are very delighted for your kind review.

We will continue to strive and achieve the same and yet more, become better and better on the coming future :)

Thanks & Regards
Photonservers provide the best host for the cheap price

i have gone with every shared host here so i personally suggest everyone to go with PhotonServers :)

Nice Job Sb :)
The photonservers staff are very professional, very quick to listen and really2x helpful..they jump in to your needs right away and you can easily contact them. They always update their servers to the latest version. Ive been happily hosted by them for about 3 months now. I couldnt have asked for any other offshore hosting provider.
I can be proud that my sites are hosted @ PhotonServers

Sponge Bob is always online, so support won't be a problem. :D
I have just got hosting with and i must say so far really really good. Had to contact echnical a couple of times and got very fast reply and with answers that were easy to understand. I have only been there for 2 days but things are going well. Would recommend them to anyone and at the moment 50% discount so you can't go wrong. 1 million% better than my other host.
Thanks for the great work.
I thought It was just me, My site has never been down since I signed up for a plan on photonservers, their technical support is superb (5-10mins) then fixed!. downtimes last for just 1 min. and the best part is you can pay with multiple paysites that is an advantage for ppl with paypal horror stories like me.

spongebob is always online and his staff like rapt1le provides support hands - on with the site =] they even helped me with my vb add-ons and installs.
Thanks @neilbla and Smexy for your kind reviews.

Today the 8th August 2010 we were under a DDOS attack which was cleared out, as we banned more than a hundred IP's trying to attack our server.

Thanks & Regards
To be honest PhotonServers was the best shared hosting I ever had, my blog load speed is amazing fast, also installing plugins/themes wont take more than 1 sec! I hope they continue on this quality. (also i hope they stop selling more so I will have same quality ;))
@neilbla : sorry for the inconveniences caused, the server had gone to a very high load that caused the sites not to be displayed.

We have suspended that client and everything is back to normal.

For further issues or any questions please submit a ticket by sending a email to

Thanks & Regards

Yes things are back to normal. I have raised a ticket about soemother things.
Thanks again, nice to see you are on the ball.
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