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Phaze, not but the guy Phaze, is the king of the DDL scene. I don't get why you guys call it a fail? His sites have way more traffic then Katz will ever have.. I love how you kiss their asses just because your site would die without katz.. you are the fail. :)
Phaze was the second best ddl site before it went down and yes it does send massive traffic as well. I'm glad they're up and running again. :)
Phaze, not but the guy Phaze, is the king of the DDL scene. I don't get why you guys call it a fail? His sites have way more traffic then Katz will ever have.. I love how you kiss their asses just because your site would die without katz.. you are the fail. :)

i have to agree with you maniac.phaze do send good traffic some just try to act cool by saying its a fail B-)
i know they are great, they send many traffic, but they fail in

contacting, re-rating, their rules, their work, skin, etc... lol

anyways glad PhazeDDL is back now will see what red suits will say xD
site may be back up and running but for submitting you get an error stating down for maintenance

Submissions are back up for now also
phaze is fail always will be i tested both phaze and katz and katz always comes out tops hell even mechoddl came out better then phaze yes they have more traffic but more traffic doesn't mean your better just look at designs katz pure sexy phaze could have a better design made in mspaint mecho pure sex and then phaze have to many ads all it is at the end of a day is a shitty clone of katz everything ripped from katz ideas the lot end of :)
warez are share Phaze don a great job for manny website over the years and suport keep stuff free Yea Katz have better tools on the site and manny ruls but all that have bring katz to rang 1000 nice work but mis my mate Phazeporn for all porn site only
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