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paypal f**k me (
)very badly

hiii to all mates of this world

i need some support from all u guys

paypal authority sent pm & told that my pan card is not valid& change my id or username & made my paypal a/c limited which had made me more troublesome becose i cant receive any payment & there is alot more probs ...

but when i check my pan card status online i find that my pan card is valid & then i send pm to paypal authority & tell about it but they did not send any help or email

after it i m furious with paypal & go to income tax office & ask about my pan validation but they said that ur pan is valid .........

i m very confused

so plzzz dudes

anyone can provide my some contact no. of paypal toll free or any software through which i can contact paypal authority (free of cost) ....

here my paypayl a/c screenshot


reply frnds ........... plzzzzz
paypal toll free number: 1-888-221-1161.
create a skype account
and use it to call :)
and you are good to go :)
btw when paypal says invalid pan card .. all u gotta do is submit ur pan number again :)
they will start verfication and accept
also paypal dont change ur id for that...

also it didnt only happened to it
it happened to almost 80% of indian paypal user so chill :)
Better you contact paypal support. They are really helpful and i'm pretty sure they will help you sort out the problem.
paypal is not f**ing anybody..they are just following rules set by RBI or they will not be allowed to do business in india.
make sure the name on the pan card matches name on the paypal account and why are you sooo worried ? you have $0.00 balance anyway :P :P
PayPal just sucks, just use OKPay, AlertPay or MoneyBookers.

Moneybookers can be a bitch too. A month ago they closed my account and until this day, I dont know why.
I sent them an email about it and I got an epic reply like:

«Our motives is that we have motives» haha fucking cunts :))
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