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Advice I would have told you before you started the site:
The domain name.
Might as well call it, ToastAnOrange.
It just doesn't make sense, and the domain style is too common.

Also, change the layout.
Move the top 5 stats somewhere else, or more that ad. You have to much garbage that people don't care about the very first time they see a site.

Just my opinion :p
hmmm wht u think abt inwarez??
i purchased that domain from someone as i thought abt making warez torrent site
but then decided to make ratio free site
and abt looks
i am in a search of any cool dark skin
wow you posted so many times, and the mods dont say anthing.

its not that kind of forum where it will be known as spam
either there is not tomany posts by which u can say i am trying my post to coem on top

Idiot learn to use edit button!

buddy edit means changing something in post
i have changed something in my site, who reviewed before can only be know that once i post again to update them
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