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OWSE :octopus: is a Warez Search Engine with a complex and blazingly fast algorithm for real time searching. You can search for TV shows, movies, adult content, e-books, software, games, songs, graphics, magazines, courses, 3d models, fonts, templates, plugins, and much more.

OWSE have more than 50 sources registered and will return URLs for more than 110 file hosts. Here is a list of a few supported file hosts:

and a lot more...

OWSE was created to make your life easier when it comes to earning money, no more searching, downloading, uploading the file on your file host account manually. It means, no wasting time uploading files, you don't even need a server with a good connection. OWSE will find the file for you and you can get that file and import right to your file host account¹.

It is still in development, meaning that a lot of features will be added.

Here is a list of wanted features:

  • Proxy support
  • IMDb file information extraction
  • Filtering (with regular expression support)
  • File importing to file hosts
  • Caching

is using high quality technologies, totally written in C++, multi-threaded and is smart enough to automatically adjust the number of threads used to the number of processor cores available. This means that it will continue to scale when deployed on multi-core systems in the future.

It was made to run on Windows, Linux and macOS.

Price: There's no price yet, the software is still in development and I'm looking for 5 testers. You can apply to be a tester if you meet the requirements bellow:

  1. You have a running website in the segment. The reason is simple, we want people with the knowledge to help us improve the software
  2. You have a Microsoft Windows or Linux OS running. macOS is out of reach for us right now. It will only be available when the final version is out.
  3. Is willing to truly help with the improvement of the software

If you don't meet the requirements above but you are a good guy and have good ideas or is looking for partnership, send me a private message or add me on Skype: octopusdev.

Here are a few gifs that shows OWSE in action (alpha version).



It's only returning the results for one source ( and for one file host (, just for presentation, OWSE will have 50+ sources and 110+ supported file hosts.


The filter is working already with regular expression for smart filtering.

Tip: you can also filter while the searching is in action.

If you have any question, advice, suggestion, let me know.

The final version will be here soon, it depends on the feedback.

Thank you all for the attention.​

¹ It's only possible to import files to file hosts that supports this feature.
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Thank you guys for your feedback. I'm currently collecting the ideas people is sharing and working on implementing that, a few things might change but for the better. In one week I think I will have a demo version.
I try the Alpha version! The app work perfect and its very nice and helpful!
Only with 2 clicks you can have any link you want to download! A very nice idea is also the JDownloader add on!
When you found a Online links (Not Dead) then you can add it automaticaly to your jdownloader app!

Perfect app! Congratulations!
Thats nice bro im interested

That is great. I will be entering in contact with you when the final version is out. Thank you.

I try the Alpha version! The app work perfect and its very nice and helpful!
Only with 2 clicks you can have any link you want to download! A very nice idea is also the JDownloader add on!
When you found a Online links (Not Dead) then you can add it automaticaly to your jdownloader app!

Perfect app! Congratulations!

I'm happy you liked it. I will be sending after the 1.0.0-alpha.1 with more functionalities.

Unfortunately I got a flu due to the winter season here in my country, but I'm taking medications already and soon I will be at full speed to finish OWSE.
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