Overjaculation 15,000+ Post Milestone

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Well, to get 35,000 posts in a year is virtually impossible. I actually have a life, even though it may not look like I have a life. lol

I am active when I'm online, and I think it is a pleasure to talk and discuss with you all. It is a very nice hobby.
Congrats! sandvick :)

I am :( because from few days i not seen sandvick, sandvick, sandvick every where
Today i know why that happens sandvick => Overjaculation :P
Hey congratz for reaching 15k posts..
I mean thats way too much..
Keep posting :)

BTW I liked you previous signature
something like : you wont understand the complexity of mindfuckablity of our epic conversation.. something like that :)
Congrats Overjaculation bro for 15k posts Milestone.
Hey congratz for reaching 15k posts..
I mean thats way too much..
Keep posting :)

BTW I liked you previous signature
something like : you wont understand the complexity of mindfuckablity of our epic conversation.. something like that :)

It's really cool that you actually remember my signature.
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