Selling Over 7 Million Records Email US Lead - The Most Complete US Business Email List

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7 Million US Email List Just $65

USA Business Email Marketing List includes business data from all 50 US States for a total of over 7 Million email records plus 1,3 Million Fresh US Lead. The value of the list is related to the number of people that are using it, so there are only 47 copies available – then the offer will end. Email Marketing is one of the most effective ways to sell your products and services. The key of a successful mailing strategy is an updated, current and responsive sales list. USA Business Email Marketing List, thanks to its 7 Million emails database plus 1,3 Million Fresh US Lead, can guarantee surprising results even if you have not much email marketing experience: >> 7,000,000 emails as low as 10% open rate = 700,000 potential clients; >> 700,000 potential clients as low as 1% sales conversion rate = 7,000 actual Sales;

Included All States in US

Business Data from all 51 US States. The most complete US Business Email List.

Detailed of Every Record

Evey Record includes: Business Type, Company Name, E-mail, Website, Address, Phone and Fax Number

Unlimited Usage

You can use the list to sell your new products over and over. You may also use this list as your solo ads service.

File Formatted

CSV File (supported by MS Excel) with Instant Download - Start you mailing on the fly. Increasing your Sales.
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