One Of The Biggest Music Sites Seized By Gov

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Active Member
source BHW
One of the biggest music websites in the world (Alexa less than 11k) with millions of visitors has been now seized by Homeland Security.

If you now go to you will see that Homeland Security has taken the website down.

This means that over 2,500+ videos on my website no longer work due to this seizure by the Homeland Security of since their video embeds are no longer available.

This is just the beginning.

Like I've said before and I'll say it again, the internet is going to be under very tight control to a few companies, and all smaller business owners will eventually be shut down.

Take it how you want, but it's coming to that point.

The point of it is to have as much control of the worlds resources, including the internet, as possible.

You can pretend that Google and other big companies "want" smaller business owners because that's where they get the "most" amounts of money, but that's not true.

Google gets BILLIONS from NSA and other Fortune 500 companies to monopolize the internet.

The security sector is planning on taking over ALL aspects of society. First it's TSA at airports, and now they've announced that they want checkpoints at malls, stadiums, train stations, and highways.

This is just the beginning.

The monopolizing of ALL industries will continue and within the next 2-5 years entrepreneurs would be lucky to even have their own government operated licenses for business and with a very big tax on it.

So don't put your eggs in one basket, and make as much money as you can now before it's too late because the time will come when making money online will be gone forever!

And this is a GLOBAL take over, not just individual countries.

Now you can dismiss this if you want, but you'll see later that the facts were all correct, and that the monopoly is indeed being planned by Fortune 500 companies all across the globe to takeover every aspect of society.
Fuck Earning Online I can give you thousands of ways...

Stocks cant be shutdown
Neither Gadget Blogs...

The above two are very easy though and i wont close my site because of a warning FBI have to come to my locality and say close it then i would surely close it LoL....(I dont even read mails)h3h3h3h3
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