(Official) MechoDDL - Whitelist and Re-Rate

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Mr Happy

Active Member
Note: Mr Happy has nothing to do with MechoDDL anymore. You can still use this topic and questions will be answered by the MechoDDL team.

Submitting to MechoDDL
If you want to submit to MechoDDL you do not need to PM me or email MechoDDL. All you have to do is follow the steps below.

Step One - Link to MechoDDL
First thing you have to do is add the MechoDDL Image Button below. We do not allow new sites to have a text link. If your website has a lot of external links to other DDL sites you will be rejected. We only allow a maximum of 4 DDL Image Buttons and 12 links to other DDL Sites. This should be no problem to 99% of sites as these are more than the Katz Rules. To be honest if you've a lot of external links on your site it's bad for your SEO. If you have some mod or plugin that add's rel="nofollow" make sure to remove it from the MechoDDL Link.
<a href="http://www.mechoddl.com" title="Free Hotfile and Rapidshare Downloads"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Em1OX.gif" border="0" title="Free Hotfile Rapidshare Downloads" alt="RapidShare Hotfile Free Downloads" height="31" width="88" /></a>
Step Two - Register
Go to Webmaster Register and website. You will be sent an email to confirm your email address (as most websites do) and then you will be able to login.
Step Three - Submit
Once you have registered you can submit your downloads following the MechoDDL Rules. As soon as you submit you will see your downloads in the Webmaster Area while they are in the queue. Withing 24 hours your site will be processed. If your site is less than a month old it will not be made wait as we find a lot of kids start sites and they usually die in the first few weeks. Otherwise your site will be given a rating (usually 1 star) and your submits accepted and go live.
Requesting A Re-Rate
To request a Re-Rate just go to the Re-Rate area of the Webmaster Control Panel. My Account then Re-Rate and you can then just click the Request Re-Rate Button. If you don't see the Request Re-Rate Button you will be told how many more submits are required or how long you have to wait for you next re-rate.
A rating history log is also available for you to see your rating history and any other issues with your site.
All re-rates are processed in no more than 24 hours (usually withing a few hours). You will be able to see the result of your re-rate request in the Webmaster Area. An email will also be sent to you confirming your new rating. You can chose not to receive these emails in the Settings in the MechoDDL Webmaster Area.

Ratings - Banned Websites
If your having trouble submitting make sure you check the list of Banned Websites and do whatever steps are necessary before requesting your website to be unbanned. The banned reason is also displayed in the Webmaster area. To get unbanned you can just click the Unban Request Button and you will be unbanned in a few hours providing you have fixed the issues screenshot
Amount you can Submit

We have different amounts websites can submit daily based on your rank. As higher ranked sites generally have better quality Submits we allow them to submit more.
  • 1 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 2 Star = 20 Submits every 24 hours
  • 3 Star = 30 Submits every 24 hours
  • 4 Star = 40 Submits every 24 hours
  • 5 Star = 50 Submits every 24 hours
Contacting MechoDDL
If your a WJunction member you can just reply here. If it's a private matter you can send and email.
Change Log
11 Feb - Added rule your site must be at least one month old to be accepted.
13 Mar - Reduced number of allowed buttons from 6 to 4.
01 Nov - Thread re-opened. Mr Happy not part of MechoDDL team.
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My Site is back on new server plz White list again
Domain : onelinkmovie.net
My A/c Not Activated


Your email account has being approved. You should now be able to login to the MechoDDL Webmaster Area and request re-rates, view your site information, rejected downloads, queued submits, request unban etc.

If you've any other problems let me know :)

Hey Mr. H can you update the site since under the submission rules it only says that you can submit 20 a day so could you add the information from the first post about this please just so as other people know (y)

Thanks buddy!

Will do. Thanks for that :)
Mr Happy you unbanned my website, but now i use an old backup, can you delete all my downloads for wicked-warez.com. If you will check you will see that all are 404.

I will submit the downloads again, but right now if i submit, the downloads will be flagged as duplicated.


Last re-rate date was on 29th Dec 2010, I thought I should wait one month only to ask for another re-rating. :|
I have a website which i submitted to mechoddl but did not received any activation email yet. Its been 1 week, i have requested to change the email address or send the email again.

Please advice
re-rate requested at WCP
domain: http://freshupload.org/

You were re-rated a few days ago. Congratz :)
Sent you a pm Mr Happy
Mr Happy you unbanned my website, but now i use an old backup, can you delete all my downloads for wicked-warez.com. If you will check you will see that all are 404.

I will submit the downloads again, but right now if i submit, the downloads will be flagged as duplicated.

Done and a record was made for future reference.


Last re-rate date was on 29th Dec 2010, I thought I should wait one month only to ask for another re-rating. :|
The waiting period is only 31 days (a month) for one star sites. 45 days and then 60 days etc. The higher your rating the longer you have to wait but that's the same everywhere. Anyway you should be able to request a re-rate now.

I have a website which i submitted to mechoddl but did not received any activation email yet. Its been 1 week, i have requested to change the email address or send the email again.

Please advice
What's your website url?


Your site now has to be at least one month old before we approve your site and accept your submits. The reason for this is their are a lot of kids who install vbulletin or wordpress try and submit but haven't a clue and then two or three weeks later their site is sold or offline. I've seen way too many sites that are only 3 hours old and everything is on default settings and trying to submit.

This rule shouldn't affect any real webmaster and will only improve the quality and make it better for everyone.
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today i submitted to katz and after that i tried to submit to other ddl sites threw mechoddlsubmitter but its only loading i tried it twice and it was just loading like on the pic.


is there anyway you can fix this or should i try tomorrow again?
@Mr Happy
My site is soft2050.in
My website was last rerated on 12/19/10
So it has been more then 45 days and i think i fulfill all the requirements to be 3*
But 20 days ago my website was banned due to server problem, and this rating time increased once again.
I also tried you to contact by Pm but no reply yet.
Can you plz rerate my website?
please can anyone help me i need MechoDDL submission tool for firfox mozila

i dont know why i banned from MechoDDL i just registered and submit the link. please help me. is that cost of click re-rate button. i dont know that i just think i will got 1 star if i click re-rate
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move to a reliable host and secondly that how it is done :) u cant have a re-rate here, u have to wait 45 days now to get a re-rate :) i guess that would be the answer by Mr.Happy also :)
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