Official Launch: Triple Payment Plan. Get Paid, 20%PPD + 50%PPS + 50%Rebi

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There are no problems, as with any business, certain administrative lapses affect payments from time to time, hence, the delays. Majority of our affiliates do get paid on time.
8 days ARE too long for people to wait. If you want to attract more uploaders you need to pay them as quickly as you can after a request is made or simply introduce auto payment.
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Finally after 1 and half a month! Thanks

Added after 3 Hours 45 minutes:

Change PPD?

Is it the end of filefat?
Last edited:
Finally after 1 and half a month! Thanks

Added after 3 Hours 45 minutes:

Change PPD?

Is it the end of filefat?
No it is not the end of Filefat. Please compare our pay rates on small files and big files, on Groups A, B & C and you will find out, we pay better than most hosts. All that you need to do, is to target downloaders from the groups we pay more and you will still make your money.
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