[Official] CoralDrive.net - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

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i have a file what i uploaded two days ago and users download it 196 times,i am intereted in when they will delete it


We dont have Interest to delete files.
and if your file will be deleted then you think its deleted because of high downloads then you are invited to pm me to show you copyright emails of that files.

Be sure pm me in 24 hours max when file get deleted. because we delete emails regularly. :)

1. Today I uploaded 9 files (8x200MB, 1x45,9MB) by remote upload (HTTP) and the system said that I can no longer remote upload today. There's such a limit?!

2. " -We count one downloads from the same Ip Address."
The system counts all unique downloads or just a single download per user per day? If an user download 10 different files in one day, that counts for 10 downloads or 1?

3. There's a daily limit of downloads for free users? Like x downloads or x MB.
I have missing files too and are downloaded not old files inactive and from no one host have DMCA complains .is something wrong with your script
1. Today I uploaded 9 files (8x200MB, 1x45,9MB) by remote upload (HTTP) and the system said that I can no longer remote upload today. There's such a limit?!

2. " -We count one downloads from the same Ip Address."
The system counts all unique downloads or just a single download per user per day? If an user download 10 different files in one day, that counts for 10 downloads or 1?

3. There's a daily limit of downloads for free users? Like x downloads or x MB.

its week limit for free user 5000 Mb
yes system will count that but money will be added for 1 download.
because we give one download money for every ip in 24 hours.
for remote upload tell us from which site you are trying to remote upload ?
maybe that site having problem.

RU is not working :(

check now and also tell me from which host you are trying to upload so we can check it
Whats about currency?

Its in euro or US dollar .

In stats and buy premium page its in euro but in my-account and affiliate page its in US dollar
Whats about currency?

Its in euro or US dollar .

In stats and buy premium page its in euro but in my-account and affiliate page its in US dollar

That is a bug we will fix it soon.. currently we are paying money in $.
that error came because now our premium plans is in Euro. because our paypal default currency is in euro.
But still we pay PPD in $.

We will change report stat in $ Soon.
Hello, I know why my account was deleted? I try to access and this message appears:

Your account was banned by administrator.

I sold 13 premium accounts in a few days and you deletam my account without reason? Because they want to grow that way?

ID: seriesfd

I await response
Hello, I know why my account was deleted? I try to access and this message appears:

Your account was banned by administrator.

I sold 13 premium accounts in a few days and you deletam my account without reason? Because they want to grow that way?

ID: seriesfd

I await response

just checked you account no premium sold by your account
Banned Reason :- Banned by tech staff for cheating and generating fake downloads. non download are completed by his downloaders.
No premium account? 13 premiums sold!
And Transfers false? where did you get that? is only an excuse for not paying what they owe?

and worst of all is that banned my account active files left over!
No premium account? 13 premiums sold!
And Transfers false? where did you get that? is only an excuse for not paying what they owe?

and worst of all is that banned my account active files left over!

we can see that its right no premium sold by your account.
and nothing is excuse we are not here to ban users for some dollers.:facepalm:
And i can see from your account all download are fake and not completed.
its not about 10 , 20 downloads but from your account 90 % download are fake.
This is the reason our staff banned you.

Thats It i can explain you.
If you want to delete your files we will do it , we dont want that you say we are earning from your files.
Look, I put in three different sites and no downloads how to be false!

Deletes all my files I'll never use that server!

Pm me user name telling that you want to delete your files.
because we dont want you tell later that we deleted your files without permission. we will keep it for proof.

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