[Official] CoralDrive.net - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

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this is what you're in with friends.
problems did not improve since the day it opened.
being done loading.
ppd constantly playing with the plan.
Do not waste your time.
You will go to escape the near future.
today payout ?? what happen ?? anybody received...??

CoralDrive Are you still paying or not? :facepalm::facepalm:

Today payout. Where is my payment???

minimum payout?

All person will get his payment. dont worry and please wait. today we paid half Payment requests..
we have huge payout of small small request ( 10 $ )
rest all requests will be paid on next day.

I request 2012-05-07 $28.54 PENDING

But are two request together, I request $13 first, and $15 after!

Can you pay me today, pls? I'm really counting with this money!!

o man, just saw your email.... "our ppd script is not working, bla , bla ,bla" what a lame excuse... you really think someone will work with you after that

DateAmountStatus 2012-05-08€27.56REJECTED WHY REJECTED MY PAYMENT??????

user jhou41
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