Number of visitors suddenly took a plunge.

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I run a few websites that gather articles from feeds using the CyberSEO plugin for Wordpress.

Till now, my site was steadily growing (except for a few hickups in the road involving downtime and messing around with different hosts, which had set me back a few times, but other than that, my site has been steadily growing)

Two days ago I have close to 4000 unique visitors, when this morning I checked Google Analytics and yesterday I only had 624 unique visitors, also my Adsense-income has decreased with +80% Just now I checked the real-time statistics and there were only 2 live visitors, which were the only ones for the last 30 minutes. Usually my sites always busy, with at least 15 live visitors.

I checked the visitors stats again and noticed that yesterday after 12.00 at midnight, suddenly my visitor count per hour took a plunge from 150 to 20.

Does anyone have any idea what happened?

I checked all the Blacklist sites and I'm not blacklisted anywhere, I checked my DNS settings and everything is fine. Something that I did find is that Google didn't crawl my site at all yesterday, although it did grab the new sitemap.

Any idea what's going on or what I should check next? My sites about 5 months old so I doubt it's a Google Dance or something... Any suggestions would be welcome!
Okay, that looks informative: but what exactly is an "exact-match" domain.


Something else that I just found is that although I'm barely getting any visitors and I'm not making anything with Adsense, my number of RSS-subscribers, Facebook-likes and Twitter-followers is growing steadily - like nothing ever changed.
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Exact-match domain is for example, if you have a website let's say for webmaster forums, the domain "webmasterforum(s).com" is exact-match domain.
Hm, then I doubt if that is the case with my website. I mean, I do have an exact-match domain, but it's not low-quality.

And by the way: the exact match keywords that my domain holds are only responsible for 1% of all my visits thru Google, all the others are the queries for names of games and applications - which is responsible for 80% of the sites' visits.
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You reproduce other sites' articles. So what you basically have is duplicates, so low quality to Google.

Even if you rewrite your articles, Google might penalize you. The only way to go is to write unique articles.
Apparently it could be a Google Dance-effect:

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

You reproduce other sites' articles. So what you basically have is duplicates, so low quality to Google.

Even if you rewrite your articles, Google might penalize you. The only way to go is to write unique articles.

Well, that might be something. In that case I think lots of sites copying that content are pernounced "dead" since yesterday...
It's usual to get hit by Google Panda or Penguin after they changed the algo, i see more spammy sites on the first pages for my keywords. So it's from G's algo change.
Aha, so what you're saying is: due to the algo change, more spammy sites moved to the top of the results, leaving our sites at the bottom. Therefore, traffic has gone down.

Will this recover with time?
If you're just republishing articles then you're bound for trouble sooner or later anyways, looks like your time is up.
I understand that, but that's the thing: I'm not. I always spin them using Paragraph as well as sentence.


It's definitely what Kw3rln said: I just noticed that Google indexed most of my new posts again, so that's good, then I checked my highest scoring keywords and even the biggest players in my niche (I'm 4th or 5th place) got kicked off the first place by crappy, spammy, ad-ruined sites...

---------- Post added 1st Oct 2012 at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous post was 30th Sep 2012 at 03:36 PM ----------

I own 3 other, personal, sites with unique content that also got hit by Google's "minor weather report". One of them contains nothing but written content, even by published and best-selling authors. It also has very impressive backlinks from nothing but high-quality sites. This site used to have between 400-500 unique visitors daily and now is down to 5-10.

I don't know what Google thinks it's doing, but it's ruined the search engine.
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