Shared - cPanel, from $4/month (USA)

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yes this is very true.. especially when it comes to hosting.. but still, thats just not cool.. but oh well.. one just has to make sure they know what they are getting into before the get into it, u know?..
Hey guys, really sorry about this we have promoters that post these topics. We will be fixing up Wjunction with a coupon that will allow Wjunction customers free hosting .Sorry for the inconvenience.

Also we terminated free hosting account because the majority of the accounts were either pornography or racist/hate sites which we didn't feel comfortable with on our servers so we decided to start fresh on the new hosting accounts when it came to the free package. We then made it so the package was $1 per year/one-time.
dont believe them

Dont believe them guys!!! i hosted on their host 1 day and ... DOWN DOWN DOWN.They wont answer you and if you ask more than twice they will suspend your account like me! IGNORE this crap!<_<
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