[NixHoster]: The Sad Truth

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[NixHoster Review]: The Sad Truth


So I know this guy, he's called Jamie, and I already talked a lot with him on MSN. And one day I told him about WebZiter, the hosting company I was founding. He must have been jealous because 2 months later he started his own hosting company, which of course is pretty cool. Take a look around here on Wjunction, a lot of competition, but still good friend.
For example, KnowinServer, it's hard for me to break their deals, but I admit, they offer a service that is really very very good.

Now, it has been like 2 weeks since I spoke to him, untill a few days ago, someone told me about a review on WebHostingTalk. The review says we are scamming people and we are using a lame MochaHost reseller. This is not true at all, our maindomain was once hosted there, but we left because we had too much downtime with them. This guy, even claims that I am using a nulled copy of WHMCS, this isn't possible, our site is hosted onshore, DMCA would find me in less than a month.

Now, some more research learned me that exact the same topic has been posted on 5 different sites, exactly the same thread and exactly the same reactions on it.
See for yourself: http://www.google.be/#q="A+person+I...ziter.org"&hl=nl&filter=0&fp=d31cdc36de47df19

They can't even spell the name of my company correct :-p

Now, the owner of NixHoster himself is hosted on a "lame" VPS with x10 which costs him $9.
See for yourself:

What I mean with this topic is, I think this is very sad. There are like 10.000 hosting companies on this world, some are bad others are good. But there's no reason to just start blacklisting eachother.
Our sales are going good, I don't think he reached anything except me being mad. It says more about his attitude than about mine.

So anyone? Anyone here who claims he's been scammed by us?
I know we sometimes have problems with our payment system, but honest is honest, we ALWAYS give back what belongs to you.
well m8 ive heard ur a good host and is reliable so you have nothing to worry about.....

good service will always show.......ive learnt that with 2 or 3 companys ive been with.......there will always be 1 or 2 idiots who will try and ruin you
I've heard you're a decent enough host.

Also I don't believe there's any much chance of him being a scammer, there was a small issue with my order and his already offered me a full refund without even asking. On that note - could you check your emails? :P

y to worry abt others. Just say GTFO & move forward. You just offer good service to ur customer thats it they would than provide u more customers & would built trust for ur company. DOnt worry abt some lamers who are jealous enough to take the competition :P
@priviet02: Thanks, but it's a bad situation, supporting eachother works much better.

@Fatal: Thanks mate, uhm about the email, it normally appears automatically in our ticket system. Feel free to contact the live support if you have an issue, we're live ATM.

@humour: Thanks man, wish you owned their company.

@All: Glad to see that you agree, perhaps you guys should all open a hosting company, you got the correct attitude to do it.
oh i know m8...of course supporting each other works........but u look at wrzhost ....they have had much bad press from a few people but they still manage to get a big client base.....just stick in there and things will pay off
oh i know m8...of course supporting each other works........but u look at wrzhost ....they have had much bad press from a few people but they still manage to get a big client base.....just stick in there and things will pay off

@Offtopic, it is the worst host I ever used, I am gonna move another of my websites to photoserver :D
im speaking in general terms....some people have had top hosting from them,,,,,some have had crap.....thats the way things work.......
It's unfortunate that people are doing this in the name of competition.

I for one know you are not a scammer since you refunded my money yesterday after the mistaken order.
@=:Jack:=: You are correct about the kids thing. Adults mostly have another attitude.

@Prazsky: Which is normally, no service delivered = no money for our pockets :)
I am one of the owners of nixhoster and id like to get some facts right!

Nixhoster.com is hosted on a vps supplied by x10vps.com. Yes the server costs $9 per month. However clients are kept seperate and are hosted on a dedicated server. I admit we own 1 dedicated server unlike webziter! He claims he owns 5..hmmm.. Funny enough we only launched to friends and family a little under a week ago. We have had a working site up for a month but did not accept any clients.

I have just learned today that he and its just 1 person and his fake admin/founders, tried to ddos the vps that nixhoster runs on. However his attacks failed to take us down and he fails because clients are hosted on a dedicated server and not with the main website!(have had a previous encounter with him. what he is like..not good.I have a whole community to back us up!)

Now facts about his website...Its true he was and i believe he still is using mochahost. His website up, till a week ago had copied content from other hosting companies and he claimed lots of stuff about his datacenters and that pish.. all rubbish. Want to view it? go to google and type in cache:webziter. If it's gone i have a screenshot.

webziter is also using a paid template as unpaid(ripped) and up and till 2 weeks ago was using a nulled whmcs. Yes nixhoster was using a unlicensed copy of whmcs. It was trialed...he tried to take us down by reporting us..but being on a trial you some what failed to do anything. Trial is a trial. We were experimenting between clientexec and whmcs.

today i log onto our live chat support and reading thru the messages find one matching webziter ip. Most likely changed because of dynamic ip's boo.

It read:

"email: kissmy@ssjamie.com
company: Mutherfokkers

message:Go fuck yourself!"

I am not jamie im part owner.. we have clients and everyone will give a good testimonial.

If you've not got bored yet. We had problems with Simon before. See hes been using a free host up until that past month or 2. http://novatechforums.com/ and had many sites like nahow.co .cc and everything on it was copyrighted but not to him. we tried to tell him and he got angry and tried to take a website down..cant say who because i only know half the story. Im a victim because hes doing all of this for spite, revenge, not at me but at jamie the other part owner.

However if he doesnt stop we can bring him down. On the legal system side though. Not retaliating by doing a ddos like you did to us!

Great not officially launched to everyone and some tard already bad mouthing us!

looks like he forgot to remove the old pages lol u can view them live... http://www.webziter.org/about

edit: just did a quick look at his website he shows all those online servers at the bottom..hm however when i go to check the server status in whmcs https://webziter.biz/order/serverstatus.php it shows 3 servers(not 5 he stated) 1 is offline 1 and 1 is unavailable. so that = 5 to start with then 3 - offline - unavailable = 1 server!

one of his server ip tracert goes to : sonnysmuckernix.net. the IP tells me hes been suspended.
Lawl, Im going to put my two sense in here. You can not say you are a data center


You may have servers allocated their or resell, But that is garbage atleast be truthful and re-write it to the Burst.NET data center. Then agian i dunno ur site is here in dallas @ the planet but those images are of the burst.net DC. From what i hear your service is good so do keep the good work up though :)
Just to tap on Dlow's words. I do think that your customers might forgive you if you change up the whole about the company page. And make it truthful. There is no reason to lie. It doesn't even have to be that long as you dont have a really long history..

Keep up the good work m8.
edit: just did a quick look at his website he shows all those online servers at the bottom..hm however when i go to check the server status in whmcs https://webziter.biz/order/serverstatus.php it shows 3 servers(not 5 he stated) 1 is offline 1 and 1 is unavailable. so that = 5 to start with then 3 - offline - unavailable = 1 server!

one of his server ip tracert goes to : sonnysmuckernix.net. the IP tells me hes been suspended.
Its all lies.. for the above ^^. Anyways i recommend a admin/mod close or delete this thread. this is a flame thread. trolling and not a review. Love this site shame he got me off to a bad start :(

oh lol.. his rapidleech servers point to other peoples websites...

edit: the 1 SERVER HE HAS online is not a dedicated server. i can find out and have. He is using a vps from http://www.burst.net/!
Years ago on another webhosting site any small host that started doing well would get a botnet until every customer had left.

Of course when a topic was made about the host being down every time a certain 'web-host' would post in the topic saying how great there hosting was so people went to them.

So I dont think a topic on webhosting talk is to bad for business compared to how it used to be :P
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