- Discussion Thread.

after a good start, now i don't have sales & rebills since 2 weeks ... downloads are stable every day

any other have this experiences ?

(really hope this crazy situation ends)

you get sales by promoting your downloads and posting downloads in many have to WORK for sales.

Added after 2 minutes:

Yes @jonnie. please remove the daily download limit of 50Gb.itsnot working.Not everybody who use nitroflare download a 5mb pdf file . some have bigger better things to download.Instead have one download limit that's monthly like 1tb or even 2tb and everybody will be happy.Try to cater for all your clients
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you don't understand

have most visited threads in many high traffic forums + exclusive stuff + many downloads via nitroflare
but mirror " shavegator " give me sales & rebills every day

and nitroflare 0 since 2 weeks ..

THATS a crazy situation!

hope its a "technical" error and nitroflare is next days more good for sales (again)
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you don't understand

have most visited threads in many high traffic forums + exclusive stuff + many downloads via nitroflare
but mirror " shavegator " give me sales & rebills every day

and nitroflare 0 since 2 weeks ..

THATS a crazy situation!

hope its a "technical" error and nitroflare is next days more good for sales (again)

When you remove mirrors, then you will see more sales.
peoples prefer to buy from Rapidgator or others that bigger and popular than nitroflare, thats is the reason.
you don't understand

have most visited threads in many high traffic forums + exclusive stuff + many downloads via nitroflare
but mirror " shavegator " give me sales & rebills every day

and nitroflare 0 since 2 weeks ..

THATS a crazy situation!

hope its a "technical" error and nitroflare is next days more good for sales (again)

When you remove mirrors, then you will see more sales.
peoples prefer to buy from Rapidgator or others that bigger and popular than nitroflare, thats is the reason.

thank you.

but as we all know, rapidgator is hated by 90% of downloaders & seems shaving 50-70% of sales for uploaders (nevertheless i got sales every day!)

-> most of my downloads comes via nitroflare (but without sales/rebills at this time!)

simply optimize your system or cockies etc ..

we expect at the moment 20% of " shavegator " earnings via nitroflare

then its all okay & your host is growing

please work for that - we uploaders work enough
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but as we all know, rapidgator is hated by 90% of downloaders & seems shaving 50-70% of sales for uploaders (nevertheless i got sales every day!)

-> most of my downloads comes via nitroflare (but without sales/rebills at this time!)

simply optimize your system or cockies etc ..

we expect at the moment 20% of " shavegator " earnings via nitroflare

then its all okay & your host is growing

please work for that - we uploaders work enough

this is what is not among hosts these years; Compete !
just compare today hosts with filesonic, fileserve, rapidshare, megaupl, ...

sales good.but Waiting for payment.(webmoney)


woww.thank you for payment. received now.
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Продажи почти исчезли! Размещаю файлы размером более 5 Gb и имею 150-200 скачек в день. Пару месяцев назад имел ~200$ в неделю, а за прошлую неделю еле 70$ наскребал. Нужно что-то менять в системе... люди ждут окончания срока своих аккаунтов и поэтому не спешат покупать или продливать премиум, качают неспеша до 50 Gb в день. По-моему, нужно сменить ограничение 50 Gb в день на, к примеру, 500Gb-1Tb в месяц и так далее по всем тарифам, с возможностью выкачивать весь траффик в любое время. Это привело бы к большому колличеству продаж, так как траффик будет быстро кончаться и людям нужно будет пополнить премиум (в моем случае так и будет, так как контент размещаю большого объёма).
Надеюсь переводчик google вам правильно переведет.
Sorry for my english )
I just translated using Google.

Sales have almost disappeared! Distribute the files larger than 5 Gb, and have 150-200 races a day. A couple of months ago was ~ $ 200 per week, and last week barely scrape together $ 70. We need to change something in the system ... people are waiting for the end of his accounts and therefore are not in a hurry to buy or prolong premium leisurely swing up to 50 Gb per day. In my opinion, it is necessary to change the limit of 50 Gb per day, for example, 500Gb-1Tb per month, and so on for all tariffs, with the ability to pump out all traffic at any time. This would lead to high quantities of sales, as traffic will quickly come to an end and people will need to top up premium (in my case, so be it, as the place the large volume of content).
I hope you google translator translate correctly.
Sorry for my english)

Продажи почти исчезли! Размещаю файлы размером более 5 Gb и имею 150-200 скачек в день. Пару месяцев назад имел ~200$ в неделю, а за прошлую неделю еле 70$ наскребал. Нужно что-то менять в системе... люди ждут окончания срока своих аккаунтов и поэтому не спешат покупать или продливать премиум, качают неспеша до 50 Gb в день. По-моему, нужно сменить ограничение 50 Gb в день на, к примеру, 500Gb-1Tb в месяц и так далее по всем тарифам, с возможностью выкачивать весь траффик в любое время. Это привело бы к большому колличеству продаж, так как траффик будет быстро кончаться и людям нужно будет пополнить премиум (в моем случае так и будет, так как контент размещаю большого объёма).
Надеюсь переводчик google вам правильно переведет.
Sorry for my english )