New USA Laws For Online Usage

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Raven Faust

Active Member
"Did you hear about how the government is considering taxing online emails? They are going to add a tax to internet service providers called the "Mail Tax" - which is going to go to the UPS because they are losing billions of dollars. The Tax is going to be something like $10/year. You won't really notice it (less than a dollar on your monthly internet fee) but it's some bullshit if you ask me!

Also read up on the new law that they are trying to pass in the US and Internationally. It's called "Acta" I believe - basically the new law stipulates that if you even VISIT a website like Katz or Phaze or Warez-BB you are creating a crime and the government has the right to then search your harddrive and view your account records. The internet service providers will have hot sites and sensitive searches so that when any of their account holders search for illegal material they will be forwarded to the Cyber Crimes database. " - to0
What does this line mean?

search your harddrive and view your account records

I mean why will they search my hdd?
i think they will search for illegal content on your hard drive, it's like you would have controband in your house :D but as for me i think it wont happen becouse it's againts user rights so it wont be possible.
about e mail i think this may be real, since after some years we will be payng even for air we breathe =) :|
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