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Finally, I've done some improvements 2 hours ago and the conversion ratio is really great now!

Global statistics: 875 views, 42 registrations and 4 sales!!

You should make a wordpress plugin, some thing to show the sale link only to organic visitors, or maybe don't show the link to users coming from site1, site2...etc. Would be great and I bet a lot of people will use it.
As I posted 1 week ago:

As I always review all transaction manually, there are sometimes delays with count sales into your account. Now, you will see incoming transactions waiting for review...

Yes, I review transactions manually as well as other pay per sale programs like or

This is the problem: it is possible for affiliate to buy, for example, lifetime membership and after the sale will count into his account, he open the dispute and I will refund the money.. but the commission is counted at his account already..

This is the reason why I always review sales manually.
Could you separate the $0.50 survey's from the actual $10/$20 sales and exclude them from the ratio?

Registrations (ones who just signed up)
Activated Accounts (ones which filled the survey)
Sales (ones who actually paid thru paypal)

or maybe have 2 ratio's like: activation ratio and sales ratio.

edit: I kinda mis-read it lol
will the survey thing be there only until your paypal thing is fixed?
I wish this gets fixed soon - I had much better conversion than Yottacash.

If there's a chance it gets fixed this means no more Paypal, which is a shame.
Czhakis, can you tell us what kind of problem do you have with paypal? ...because if it's a technical problem shouldn't last that long.
I'm really sorry about that. PayPal limited my account so I cannot receive even one cent. I provided more info about transactions, but problem is that I had another PayPal account and there is a negative balance of $20.. it's really funny as on my current PayPal account lies much more...

First, I must resolve this negative balance. PP support said that the only way to sort it out is send them a cheque.

I expect they will receive cheque in 7 days, next 7 days will take processing.

In the meantime, I can try to integrate another payment processor.. if you have some idea, please let me know!
I remember while a go I made a little online shop where I was selling some cheap stuff and after a while paypal limited my account and suggested to open a merchant account. And for that I was supposed to open a company bank account where I should deposit min 500E. And I also didn't own a company which also costs 500E all the monthly/annually taxes. All blew out... Hope you don't have the same problem.
Paypal didn't force me to open the merchant account.. everything was OK until they spotted my old account with negative balance.. it's my fault, of course.

I have an idea about another payment processor.. but as I'm going on holiday today, I'll do it in next 14 days. As a compensation, you can expect 90% commission in first 2 weeks when it'll be ready ;)
This survey thing isn't horrible either, its 1:22 for me. I can cover all server costs if I send only 1000 people per day.
Just tried to register as a member, I don't see any surveys - why am I being paid 0.5$ per member again?

Edit: Nevermind turns out I had the survey thing Javascript blocked on Chrome.
I had many more sent visitors and no sales and with at least 4-5 affiliate systems. But depends on a lot of factors, quality of traffic (if it's from search engines), if it's from convertible countries (it's hard to pay 30$ for a software if your monthly salary is somewhere around 200$).

From my experience (mp3 download website) there is about 1 sale at 4000-5000 uv sent. Probably there is better conversion with other type of websites.
Lol @ SharingZone stats, SharingZone is absolutely useless but to be fair you have to send more than 1500 people per day to really judge the conversion rate.

IFullDownloads had decent conversions for me, around 1:700 and the survey thing they have on now isn't bad at all too.
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