Need Immediate Advice from Reputed and Senior members.

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Hi to All,

Is it advisable to have :

1) a warez blog or warez forums
2) be an uploader myself or get uploaders to post content.

please advise.

this is a sincere attempt to ask for advice to make money.

Mods and Admin,
Please do not consider this as a Spam or something as i need some genuine advices to put my step forward.

Many Thanks,

---------- Post added at 06:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 AM ----------


I have more than 30 TB of stuff (mainly porn) including all kinds with a good internet connection and i would like to share it to make some money.

If your reply is more of personal advise then please PM me.

Any assistance is really appreciated.
1) You better secure yourself well before though and i mean offshore web host, .ws domain name and pay with LR{liberty reserve}
2)Be uploader yourself if you have time as you will post quality content
Getting traffic won't be easy , its going to take time{2-3 month) and you need good seo as well
so should i start with a blog uploding my own material or start a forum and invite others to post and earn as well.

please advise.
ENC0DE is right , don't start warez site if you are desperate about earning some money , some friends who do as a hobby earn a few hundreds/ month but it took like 7 month with good seo.
If you need cash step , do something genuine
Warez blog should be a hobby
Ifirst and ENCODE,

many thanks for your advices, they really sound in good faith.

i will tell you the real situation now. my company which is about to shutdown started laying off people in huge numbers every month and this month i was on the hit list.
im a married guy and have 2 kids, and getting another job will take some time (atleast 3-6 months with current market situation). this is the reason why i opted to become a sort of part-time uploader uploading content and then i can atleast have some money to run the house and till i get another job.

so leaving out the option of starting own blog or warez to market the stuff i have can i join any existing big forum or something where i can atleast make a minimal monthly amount.

please advise.
See. You are a father of two kids. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU NOT TO WASTE YOUR TIME IN UPLOADING. 90% of the current uploaders are just the 12-15 year old kids who want to earn some few extra bucks. You cannot run your whole family with that money. Secondly, and mainly because of all the DMCA, FACT and other shit going on right now, do not indulge yourself in this illegal act. Come on man, there are 3 lives which are dependent on you. I know that you are in a desperate situation where you really wanna try almost anything to get back to your feet but believe me that uploading is a sheer dead end.

On the positive note, yes, with internet, you CAN make shit ton of money. Go learn some programming language and start offering services. If you are good at designing, start offering graphic help(both online and locally). Also, if you are good at computers, then you can fix local computers, setup their stuff. Internet makes money but it needs huge time and its a risky venture as scamming also takes a part in every transaction. My advice is to get a real job and till that, learn something good.
1. Never in your life feel safe and comfortable, always have a backup plan, even when everything is absolutelly 100% steady and stable. This is exactly the time when shit will hit the fan, it's called Murphy's law.
2. You can find insanely cheap products in shops near you, offer them on eBay

thread is closed, because we will not spread discussions about warez uploading and making money out of copyright infringing. It's time for slow changes.
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