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Active Member
Hello WJ member,

I don't have any php language knowledge. For my site I found a plugin named
wordpress IMDB Botu plugin from

1. But when I install plugin the setting shows turkish language. So how could I convert to English.

2. when I search with IMDB ID for any movie on that plugin it shows below message..

: curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set in /home/u653954634/public_html/wp-content/plugins/WB-IMDB/bot.php on line 55

Can anyone help me to resolved the above issue...

For the first question you are going to have to translate it manually go through the files in the mod and use google translate to translate any Turkish text you see.

As for the second question you need to edit your php.ini file and disable open_basedir or safe_mode.
wow that's lame they encoded the file so you cant change / see anything. There are a couple of IonCube decoders but most of them you have to pay for, So unless you are willing to pay up for a decoded version may as well just make do with the Turkish language, Or you could use chrome it normally detects if there is a foreign language on the page and will offer to translate it for you.

As for the php.ini it depends what type of hosting you are on if you are on a vps/dedi a simple:
whereis php.ini
in the ssh terminal will do the trick that will tell you where it is.

If you are on shared hosting then you will have to ask your hosting provider to disable it for you, just open up a support ticket most hosting providers will be happy to do this for you.
/* */
/* Version : 5.1.0 */
/* Author : RM */
/* Comment : 071223 */
/* */

function save_image( $inPath, $outPath )
$in = fopen( $inPath, "rb" );
$out = fopen( $outPath, "wb" );
while ( $chunk = fread( $in, 8192 ) )
fwrite( $out, $chunk, 8192 );
fclose( $in );
fclose( $out );

function get_seo_link( $str, $replace = array( ), $delimiter = "-" )
setlocale( LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF8" );
if ( !empty( "replace" ) )
$str = str_replace( ( array )$replace, " ", $str );
$trArr = array( "ç", "Ç", "ı", "İ", "ş", "Ş", "ğ", "Ğ", "ö", "Ö", "ü", "Ü" );
$toArr = array( "c", "c", "i", "i", "s", "s", "g", "g", "o", "o", "u", "u" );
$str = str_replace( $trArr, $toArr, $str );
$clean = iconv( "UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $str );
$clean = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\/_|+ -]/", "", $clean );
$clean = trim( $clean );
$clean = preg_replace( "/[\\/_|+ -]+/", $delimiter, $clean );
$clean = mb_strtolower( $clean, "UTF-8" );
return $clean;

function bot_start( )
global $rootp;
global $burl;
global $wpdb;
global $apt;
echo "<center><h1>WB IMDB Botu</h1><hr style=\"width:50%;border:2px solid #000;\" /><form action=\"edit.php\" method=\"get\"><span>IMDB ID:</span><input type=\"text\" name=\"iurl\" value=\"\" /> | <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Ekle\" />\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"bot.php\" /></form>";
$theme_name = get_template_directory( );
$l = "<a href=\"\" rel=\"dofollow\" title=\"Wordpress Tema\">Wordpress Tema</a>";
$f = $theme_name."/footer.php";
$fd = fopen( $f, "r" );
$c = fread( $fd, filesize( $f ) );
fclose( $fd );
if ( !preg_match( "#".$l."#", $c ) )
echo "<p>WPBilişim IMDB Botu. Bu botun çalışması için <strong><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a></strong> adresinden lisans satın alabilir. Ya da footer.php'nize <strong>&lt;a href=\"\" rel=\"dofollow\" title=\"Wordpress Tema\"&gt;Wordpress Tema&lt;/a&gt;</strong> kodu ekleyerek kullanabilirsiniz.\r\n</p>";
if ( !empty( $_GET['iurl'] ) )
$ch = curl_init( );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, "".$_GET['iurl']."/" );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "" );
$data = curl_exec( $ch );
if ( preg_match( "#<h1 class=\"header\"(.*?)\\((.*?)\\)(.*?)</h1>#si", $data, $matches ) && preg_match( "#<meta property=[\"']og:image[\"'] content=[\"'](.*?)[\"']#si", $data, $imgar ) )
$imglink = $imgar[1];
preg_match( "#<h4 class=\"inline\">Country:</h4>(.*?)</div>#si", $data, $counarr );
preg_match( "#<div class=\"infobar\">(.*?)</div>#si", $data, $infobar );
preg_match_all( "#href=\"/genre/(.*?)>(.*?)</a>#si", $infobar[1], $cats );
preg_match( "#(.*?)min#si", $infobar[1], $timearr );
preg_match( "#<h4 class=\"inline\">(.*?)Director(.*?)</h4>(.*?)</div>#si", $data, $directarr );
preg_match( "#star-box-giga-star\">(.*?)</div>#si", $data, $scoaa );
$title = trim( str_replace( ">", "", strip_tags( $matches[1] ) ) );
$year = strip_tags( $matches[2] );
$imdbp = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $scoaa[1] ) ) );
$country = explode( "|", trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $counarr[1] ) ) ) );
$cats = $cats[2];
$ftime = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $timearr[1] ) ) );
if ( !empty( "ftime" ) )
$ftime .= " Dakika";
$fdirect = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $directarr[3] ) ) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, "".$_GET['iurl']."/fullcredits" );
$odata = curl_exec( $ch );
preg_match( "#Produced by(.*?)(Cinematography by|Original Music by)#si", $odata, $proarr );
preg_match_all( "#<a href=\"/name/(.*?)\">(.*?)</a>(.*?)</tr>#si", $proarr[1], $opro );
$poi = 0;
foreach ( $opro[3] as $oyaz )
if ( $poi == 0 )
$produ .= $opro[2][$poi];
$produ .= ", ".$opro[2][$poi];
if ( $poi == 2 )
preg_match( "#Original Music by(.*?)>(.*?)</a>#si", $odata, $omus );
$omusic = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $omus[2] ) ) );
preg_match( "#Cinematography by(.*?)>(.*?)</a>#si", $odata, $ocb );
$ocby = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $ocb[2] ) ) );
preg_match( "#<table class=\"cast_list\">(.*?)</table>#si", $data, $cataa );
preg_match_all( "#<a href=\"/name/(.*?)\" itemprop=[\"']url[\"']>(.*?)</a>#si", $cataa[1], $casta );
$all_cast = $casta[2];
preg_match( "#Writing credits(.*?)<table class=\"cast\">#si", $odata, $wriar );
preg_match_all( "#<a href=\"/name/(.*?)>(.*?)</a>#si", $wriar[1], $wrial );
$fwrites = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", implode( ", ", $wrial[2] ) ) );
$cats = str_replace( array( "Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Biography", "Comedy", "Crime", "Documentary", "Drama", "Family", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir", "History", "Horror", "Music", "Musical", "Mystery", "News", "Romance", "Sci-Fi", "Sport", "Thriller", "War" ), array( "Aksiyon", "Macera", "Animasyon", "Biyografi", "Komedi", "Suç", "Belgesel", "Dram", "Aile", "Fantastik", "Kara Film", "Tarih ", "Korku", "Müzik", "Müzikal", "Gizem", "Haber", "Romantik", "Bilim Kurgu", "Spor", "Gerilim", "Savaş" ), $cats );
$country = str_replace( array( "Argentina", "Australia", "Austria", "Belgium", "Brazil", "Bulgaria", "Canada", "China", "Colombia", "Costa Rica", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Finland", "France", "Germany", "Greece", "Hong Kong", "Hungary", "Iceland", "India", "Iran", "Ireland", "Italy", "Japan", "Malaysia", "Mexico", "Netherlands", "New Zealand", "Poland", "Portugal", "Romania", "Russia", "Singapore", "South Africa", "Spain", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "Thailand", "UK", "USA", "Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "Antarctica", "Armenia", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Belarus", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Egypt", "Ecuador", "Estonia", "Indonesia", "Iraq", "Israel", "Kazakhstan", "Korea", "Kosovo", "Kuwait", "Kyrgyzstan", "Latvia", "Lithuania", "Maldives", "Niger", "Nigeria", "North Korea", "North Vietnam", "Norway", "Oman", "Papua New Guinea", "Philippines", "Qatar", "Republic of Macedonia", "Rwanda", "Saudi Arabia", "Serbia", "Serbia and Montenegro", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Somalia", "South Korea", "Soviet Union", "Suriname", "Swaziland", "Syria", "Taiwan", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania", "Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Ukraine", "United Arab Emirates", "Uzbekistan", "Yugoslavia" ), array( "Arjantin", "Avustralya", "Avusturya", "Belçika", "Brezilya", "Bulgaristan", "Kanada", "Çin", "Kolombiya", "Kosta Rika", "Çek Cumhuriyeti", "Danimarka", "Finlandiya", "Fransa", "Almanya", "Yunanistan", "Hong Kong", "Macaristan", "İzlanda", "Hindistan", "İran", "İrlanda", "İtalya", "Japonya", "Malezya", "Meksika", "Hollanda", "Yeni Zelanda", "Polonya", "Portekiz", "Romanya", "Rusya", "Singapur", "Güney Afrika", "İspanya", "İsveç", "İsviçre", "Tayland", "İngiltere", "ABD", "Afganistan", "Arnavutluk", "Cezayir", "Antarktika", "Ermenistan", "Azerbeycan", "Bahamalar", "Bahreyn", "Bangladeş", "Beyaz Rusya", "Bosna Hersek", "Mısır", "Ekvador", "Estonya", "Endonezya", "Irak", "İsrail", "Kazakistan", "Kore", "Kosova", "Kuveyt", "Kırgızistan", "Letonya", "Litvanya", "Maldivler", "Nijer", "Nijerya", "Kuzey Kore", "Kuzey Vietnam", "Norveç", "Umman", "Papua Yeni Gine", "Filipinler", "Katar", "Makedonya Cumhuriyeti", "Ruanda", "Suudi Arabistan", "Sırbistan", "Sırbistan ve Karadağ", "Slovakya", "Slovenya", "Somali", "Güney Kore", "Sovyetler Birliği", "Surinam", "Svaziland", "Suriye", "Tayvan", "Tacikistan", "Tanzanya", "Tunus", "Türkiye", "Türkmenistan", "Ukrayna", "Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri", "Özbekistan", "Yugoslavya" ), $country );
$array_slugs = array(
"yil-slug" => get_option( "yil-slug" ),
"sure-slug" => get_option( "sure" ),
"yonetmen-slug" => get_option( "yonetmen" ),
"muzik-slug" => get_option( "mz_muzik" ),
"yapimci-slug" => get_option( "yi_yapimci" ),
"senaryo-slug" => get_option( "so_senaryo" ),
"imdb-puani-slug" => get_option( "im_imdb-puani" ),
"goruntu-yonetmeni-slug" => get_option( "gy_goruntu-yonetmeni" ),
"tur-slug" => get_option( "tf_ttur" ),
"oyuncu-slug" => get_option( "ooyuncu" ),
"ulke-slug" => get_option( "uulke" )
$array_slugs2 = array( "im_imdb-puani" => "IMDB Puanı", "yil-slug" => "Yıl", "uulke" => "Ülke", "tf_ttur" => "Tür", "sure" => "Süre", "yonetmen" => "Yönetmen", "ooyuncu" => "Oyuncu", "so_senaryo" => "Senaryo", "yi_yapimci" => "Yapımcı", "mz_muzik" => "Müzik", "gy_goruntu-yonetmeni" => "Görüntü Yönetmeni", "gr_gorsel-adi" => "Afiş Özel Alan Adı (özel alan ise)", "im_f_wcpt" => "Post Tipi" );
$cai = 0;
foreach ( $cats as $ncat )
if ( $cai != 0 )
$addspe = ", ";
$addspe = "";
$addcatn .= $addspe.trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $ncat ) ) );
$cai = 0;
foreach ( $all_cast as $nall_cast )
if ( $cai != 0 )
$addspe = ", ";
$addspe = "";
$addcastn .= $addspe.trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $nall_cast ) ) );
$cai = 0;
foreach ( $country as $ncountry )
if ( $cai != 0 )
$addspe = ", ";
$addspe = "";
$addcounn .= $addspe.trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $ncountry ) ) );
$array_slugs3 = array(
"im_imdb-puani" => $imdbp,
"yil-slug" => $year,
"uulke" => $addcounn,
"tf_ttur" => $addcatn,
"sure" => $ftime,
"yonetmen" => $fdirect,
"ooyuncu" => $addcastn,
"so_senaryo" => html_entity_decode( $fwrites, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8" ),
"yi_yapimci" => html_entity_decode( $produ, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8" ),
"mz_muzik" => $omusic,
"gy_goruntu-yonetmeni" => html_entity_decode( $ocby, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8" )
$array_slugs4 = array( "yil-slug", "sure", "yonetmen", "mz_muzik", "yi_yapimci", "so_senaryo", "im_imdb-puani", "gy_goruntu-yonetmeni", "tf_ttur", "ooyuncu", "uulke" );
$my_post = array( );
$my_post['post_title'] = $title;
if ( get_option( "gr_gorsel-adi_imgtoxor" ) == "descimage" )
$addimg = "<img alt=\"".$title." Afiş\" src=\"".$burl.$apt."/wp-content/uploads/images/".get_seo_link( $title )."-afis.jpg"."\" /><br/>";
$adddesc = NULL;
foreach ( $array_slugs as $sval => $skey )
if ( get_option( $array_slugs4[$skey]."_taxorspe" ) == "ditodesc" )
$adddesc .= " <strong>".$array_slugs2[$array_slugs4[$skey]]." :</strong> ".$array_slugs3[$array_slugs4[$skey]];
$my_post['post_content'] = $addimg.$adddesc;
$my_post['post_status'] = "draft";
$my_post['post_author'] = 1;
$my_post['post_category'] = NULL;
if ( get_option( "im_f_wcpt" ) )
$my_post['post_type'] = get_option( "im_f_wcpt" );
$my_post['post_type'] = "post";
$post_id = wp_insert_post( $my_post );
if ( $post_id )
$doarray = array(
get_option( "yil-slug" ) => $year,
get_option( "sure" ) => $ftime,
get_option( "yonetmen" ) => $fdirect,
get_option( "mz_muzik" ) => $omusic,
get_option( "yi_yapimci" ) => $produ,
get_option( "so_senaryo" ) => $fwrites,
get_option( "im_imdb-puani" ) => $imdbp,
get_option( "gy_goruntu-yonetmeni" ) => $ocby
$doarray2 = array( "yil-slug", "sure", "yonetmen", "mz_muzik", "yi_yapimci", "so_senaryo", "im_imdb-puani", "gy_goruntu-yonetmeni" );
foreach ( $doarray as $value => $key )
if ( get_option( $doarray2[$value]."_taxorspe" ) == "astax" )
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->insert( "{$wpdb->terms}", array(
"name" => "".$key."",
"slug" => "".get_seo_link( $key ).""
), array( "%s", "%s" ) );
$yid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$ys = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" );
$yid = $ys->term_id;
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='{$value}'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} (term_id,taxonomy) VALUES ({$yid},'{$value}')" );
$ytid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$yts = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='{$value}'" );
$ytid = $yts->term_taxonomy_id;
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_relationships} (object_id,term_taxonomy_id) VALUES (".$post_id.",".$ytid.")" );
else if ( get_option( $doarray2[$value]."_taxorspe" ) == "asspe" )
add_post_meta( $post_id, $value, html_entity_decode( $key, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8" ) );
if ( get_option( "tf_ttur_taxorspe" ) == "astax" )
foreach ( $cats as $key )
$key = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $key ) ) );
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->insert( "{$wpdb->terms}", array(
"name" => "".$key."",
"slug" => "".get_seo_link( $key ).""
), array( "%s", "%s" ) );
$yid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$ys = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" );
$yid = $ys->term_id;
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='".$array_slugs['tur-slug']."'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} (term_id,taxonomy) VALUES ({$yid},'".$array_slugs['tur-slug']."')" );
$ytid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$yts = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='".$array_slugs['tur-slug']."'" );
$ytid = $yts->term_taxonomy_id;
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_relationships} (object_id,term_taxonomy_id) VALUES (".$post_id.",".$ytid.")" );
else if ( get_option( "tf_ttur_taxorspe" ) == "asspe" )
$cai = 0;
foreach ( $cats as $ncat )
if ( $cai != 0 )
$addspe = ",";
$addspe = "";
$addcatn .= $addspe.trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $ncat ) ) );
add_post_meta( $post_id, get_option( "tf_ttur" ), $addcatn );
if ( get_option( "ooyuncu_taxorspe" ) == "astax" )
foreach ( $all_cast as $key )
$key = trim( strip_tags( str_replace( "&nbsp;", "", $key ) ) );
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->insert( "{$wpdb->terms}", array(
"name" => "".$key."",
"slug" => "".get_seo_link( $key ).""
), array( "%s", "%s" ) );
$yid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$ys = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" );
$yid = $ys->term_id;
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='".$array_slugs['oyuncu-slug']."'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} (term_id,taxonomy) VALUES ({$yid},'".$array_slugs['oyuncu-slug']."')" );
$ytid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$yts = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='".$array_slugs['oyuncu-slug']."'" );
$ytid = $yts->term_taxonomy_id;
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_relationships} (object_id,term_taxonomy_id) VALUES (".$post_id.",".$ytid.")" );
else if ( get_option( "ooyuncu_taxorspe" ) == "asspe" )
$cai = 0;
foreach ( $all_cast as $nall_cast )
if ( $cai != 0 )
$addspe = ",";
$addspe = "";
$addcastn .= $addspe.trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $nall_cast ) ) );
add_post_meta( $post_id, get_option( "ooyuncu" ), $addcastn );
if ( get_option( "uulke_taxorspe" ) == "astax" )
foreach ( $country as $key )
$key = str_replace( "&nbsp;", "", $key );
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->insert( "{$wpdb->terms}", array(
"name" => "".$key."",
"slug" => "".get_seo_link( $key ).""
), array( "%s", "%s" ) );
$yid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$ys = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} WHERE slug='".get_seo_link( $key )."'" );
$yid = $ys->term_id;
if ( $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(term_id) FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='".$array_slugs['ulke-slug']."'" ) ) == 0 )
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} (term_id,taxonomy) VALUES ({$yid},'".$array_slugs['ulke-slug']."')" );
$ytid = $wpdb->insert_id;
$yts = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id=".$yid." AND taxonomy='".$array_slugs['ulke-slug']."'" );
$ytid = $yts->term_taxonomy_id;
$wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO {$wpdb->term_relationships} (object_id,term_taxonomy_id) VALUES (".$post_id.",".$ytid.")" );
else if ( get_option( "uulke_taxorspe" ) == "asspe" )
$cai = 0;
foreach ( $country as $ncountry )
if ( $cai != 0 )
$addspe = ",";
$addspe = "";
$addcounn .= $addspe.trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $ncountry ) ) );
add_post_meta( $post_id, get_option( "uulke" ), $addcounn );
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save_image( $imglink, $rootp.$apt."/wp-content/uploads/images/".get_seo_link( $title )."-afis.jpg" );
$thumbdir = "images/".get_seo_link( $title )."-afis.jpg";
$attachment = array(
"post_mime_type" => "image/jpg",
"post_title" => get_seo_link( $title ),
"post_content" => "",
"post_status" => "inherit"
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require_once( ABSPATH."wp-admin"."/includes/image.php" );
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wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data );
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else if ( get_option( "gr_gorsel-adi_imgtoxor" ) == "cimage" )
$fthumb = $burl.$apt."/wp-content/uploads/images/".get_seo_link( $title )."-afis.jpg";
add_post_meta( $post_id, get_option( "gr_gorsel-adi" ), $fthumb );
save_image( $imglink, $rootp.$apt."/wp-content/uploads/images/".get_seo_link( $title )."-afis.jpg" );
save_image( $imglink, $rootp.$apt."/wp-content/uploads/images/".get_seo_link( $title )."-afis.jpg" );
echo "<p style=\"background-color:green;color:white;padding:10px;width:60%;\"><a style=\"color:white;\" href=\"post.php?post=".$post_id."&action=edit\">".$title."</a> başarıyla eklendi.</p>";
curl_close( $ch );

function wbimdb_yonetime_ekle( )
add_menu_page( "WB IMDB Botu", "WB IMDB Botu", "administrator", basename( "C:\\dezender\\unzendme.php" ), "bot_start" );
add_submenu_page( basename( "C:\\dezender\\unzendme.php" ), "Bot Ayar Paneli", "Bot Ayar Paneli", "manage_options", "ffaimdbbotset", "ffaimdbbotset_function" );

function ffaimdbbotset_function( )
echo "<center><h1>Bot Ayar Paneli</h1><hr style=\"width:50%;border:2px solid #000;\" />";
$array_slugs = array( "im_imdb-puani" => "IMDB Puanı", "yil-slug" => "Yıl", "uulke" => "Ülke", "tf_ttur" => "Tür", "sure" => "Süre", "yonetmen" => "Yönetmen", "ooyuncu" => "Oyuncu", "so_senaryo" => "Senaryo", "yi_yapimci" => "Yapımcı", "mz_muzik" => "Müzik", "gy_goruntu-yonetmeni" => "Görüntü Yönetmeni", "gr_gorsel-adi" => "Afiş Özel Alan Adı (özel alan ise)", "im_f_wcpt" => "Post Tipi" );
echo "<h3>Film Bilgileri Ayarları</h3><p>Bu alandaki değerler, <b>taxonomy</b> ya da <b>custom field (özel alan)</b> isimleri olarak kullanılır.";
if ( $_POST['taxorspe'] == 1 )
foreach ( $_POST['optgo'] as $optyaz => $optval )
$optval = trim( preg_replace( "/\\s+/", " ", strip_tags( $optval ) ) );
if ( get_option( $optyaz ) )
if ( !empty( "optval" ) )
update_option( $optyaz, $optval );
else if ( !empty( "optval" ) )
add_option( $optyaz, $optval, "", "yes" );
$selectname = $_POST[$optyaz."_select"];
if ( $optyaz != "im_f_wcpt" && $optyaz != "gr_gorsel-adi" )
if ( get_option( $optyaz."_taxorspe" ) )
update_option( $optyaz."_taxorspe", $selectname );
add_option( $optyaz."_taxorspe", $selectname, "", "yes" );
else if ( $optyaz == "gr_gorsel-adi" )
if ( get_option( $optyaz."_imgtoxor" ) )
update_option( $optyaz."_imgtoxor", $selectname );
add_option( $optyaz."_imgtoxor", $selectname, "", "yes" );
echo "<p style=\"background-color:green;color:white;padding:10px;width:20%;\">Ad ayarları güncellendi.</p>";
echo "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\"><table>";
foreach ( $array_slugs as $abcyaz => $abckey )
if ( get_option( $abcyaz ) )
$abcval = get_option( $abcyaz );
$abcval = "";
echo "<tr><td>".$abckey." : </td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"optgo[".$abcyaz."]\" value=\"".$abcval."\" />";
if ( $abcyaz != "im_f_wcpt" )
if ( $abcyaz == "gr_gorsel-adi" )
echo "<select name=\"".$abcyaz."_select\">\r\n<option value=\"fimage\"".( get_option( $abcyaz."_imgtoxor" ) == "fimage" ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ).">Öne Çıkarılmış Görsel</option>\r\n<option value=\"cimage\"".( get_option( $abcyaz."_imgtoxor" ) == "cimage" ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ).">Özel Alana</option>\r\n<option value=\"descimage\"".( get_option( $abcyaz."_imgtoxor" ) == "descimage" ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ).">Direkt Konu İçine</option>\r\n</select>";
echo "<select name=\"".$abcyaz."_select\">\r\n<option value=\"astax\"".( get_option( $abcyaz."_taxorspe" ) == "astax" ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ).">Taxonomy Olarak</option>\r\n<option value=\"asspe\"".( get_option( $abcyaz."_taxorspe" ) == "asspe" ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ).">Özel Alan</option>\r\n<option value=\"ditodesc\"".( get_option( $abcyaz."_taxorspe" ) == "ditodesc" ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ).">Direkt Konu İçine</option></select>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align=\"right\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"taxorspe\" value=\"1\" /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Güncelle!\" /></tr></table>Wordpress <b>Custom Post Type</b> kullanmıyorsanız <b>Post Tipi</b> alanını ellemeyiniz.</form>";

$burl = site_url( );
$apt = "";
add_action( "admin_menu", "wbimdb_yonetime_ekle" );

Did the best I could with an ioncube decode + google translate to english.
Thanks Vick for your awesome support.

But when I replace the code your, I get message like this-

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"replace"' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) in /home/u653954634/public_html/wp-content/plugins/WB-IMDB/bot.php on line 25

Vick can You fix this or can anybody fix...
hmm i can see a couple of places where variables should be but are not
if ( !empty( "replace" ) )
Replace with:
if ( !empty( $replace ) )
if ( !empty( "ftime" ) )
Replace with:
if ( !empty( "$ftime" ) )
if ( !empty( "optval" ) )
Replace with:
if ( !empty( $optval ) )

There might be a couple more i have not see but try that.
Almost done as per guideline of shadow.prx

in the line 527 the code is $burl = site_url( );

for this I get message - Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url()

Which site to call..
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