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Meaning we buy a premium account and u get the money from the sales?

Well you are doing it wrong if your dad is sick i am really sorry.. You should ask for a donation instead, but asking people to buy premium accounts is hard.

Thats what i understand, go to places such as Red Cross and other pages on the net you might get assistance for sure.
jackj0e , It`s really not cool if you lying about your dad , just to get some bucks . If your story is true I`m sorry for your Dad and I hope he gets better , BUT your thread and
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make me believe , that you are just trying your luck with someones good heart and conscience my friend and you are doing that in really ugly way !
no one will help me my friend

and my dad is not sick he is dying

and this the only way i can earn the money

thx for reply
If your story is true, then I'm really sorry about your Dad; WJ, however, cannot help you. Please ask a registered trust fund or something for donation. You're not allowed to do what you are doing, on WJ.
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