- Coming Soon! Get paid for views on your videos!

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Active Member
We are running a few days behind as we encountered a few bugs which would allow users to manipulate the system.


We currently have a project in development at the moment. The website will be based on a pay per view (PPV) video system where users can make money off uploading their videos. Our user system and our videos will be based off this layout below.

Membership system:

Regular login page
User area:
My videos
Users can edit/delete their videos (make them public or private) and view the amount of money they earned from their videos
Private videos do not appear in search engine
Live ticket support system.
Profile system - Where users can subscribe to other users.


Videos will be converted to .flv
Videos can be embeded using an iFrame. The code is displayed on the video’s page. If the user embeds a video an in banner ad will appear before the video is played.
Payment rates will be upto $5.00 for 1000 unique views views for US, UK, AU, CA traffic. However you will still make money even if the person does view your video more then once your earnings will be significantly lower though.
Payment rates for embedded videos will be upto $1.00 for 1000 unique views from US, UK, AU, CA. You will make money even if the person views your video more then once.

Payouts will be $2 via paypal at this stage but if we do have a large number of requests we may look at a different payment solution.

Payment rates will be upto $5.00 for 1000 unique views views for US, UK, AU, CA traffic. However you will still make money even if the person does view your video more then once your earnings will be significantly lower though.

Payments will be $2 via paypal at this stage but if we do have a large number of requests we may look at a different payment solution.

We will not tolerate copyrighted videos nor adult videos. If you do post these types of videos this will result in an instant ban and all funds will be forfeited.

We will not accept any type of bot or purchased traffic if you are believed to have purchased traffic or bot traffic this will also result in an instant ban and all the funds will be forfeited.

Register your interest here:

Join our facebook page:

Or follow us on twitter:
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Thanks for your questions. We will allow FTP on videos.

Space and what not will be unlimited although as I said you cannot upload copyrighted contented this is an actual website similar to that of youtube but you get paid for each and every view you receive.


A suggestion
If u dont want people to upload copyright material decrease the size of the videos ie the size of max upload should be 100mb and if u think some 1 uploads legit media u can change his permission and place him in another user group :)
Anime isn't copyrighted content, but I'd like to add in mp4 support as well as FLV. Mp4's can be played on i-devices which is a huge plus.
We are in the process of moving servers at the moment.

Please try again and tell me if you are still experiencing the same issue.


Yep, takes forever to load
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