is looking for partner.

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Active Member
The Recently Relaunched Is under New ownership and Im actively searching for Staff to help me out. Its a Wordpress site So updates are Very simple and quick.

Website is in the process of being SEO'ed and monitized.

Interested? PM Me to get started today.
Just a bit of background info For you all,

the site is currently averaging about 200 unique visitors a day, Has limited Revenue and has already been strongly SEO'ed with 15K backlinks and 500 google +1's the site turns up on page 1 of google search results when using keywords Even such as "asian" or 'hot asians" we usually come up on the first page.....

the site is hosted on my host and i control the domain as well, but looking to start another 2 websites that im more passionate about but dont want this one to fall behind.

Id basicly be a Silent Partner who would pay hosting fee's but not take any profits that the site made.It would be up to You as well as mare to Have control over the site in every aspect and run its day to day operations. Feel Free to private message Me as well with any questions or concerns Regarding this Unique Opportunity.
is the original thread starter and mrHunt the same person, or you both already partners also?
Why do you guys need 2, 3, possibly 4 partners? Seems fishy in the end result..if I AM CONFUSED. Please Message me, as I have experience running adult forums.
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