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New Member
Hey guys!
I'm a new member to WJunction, I managed to discover this website from google and bought web-hosting recently from DarcHosts which was advertised on this website in an alternate section. I've been with them only 5 hours max and already I'm finding it amazing.

DarcHosts have a perfectly secured system, as been proven, I've tested multiple shells on my hosting and not one of them work (mulcishell, c99, locus7 etc) which I'm pleased about, I'm guaranteed 100% security!

Oh did I mention they have extremely cheap packages? I bought a bronze package for as little as $2.50 also there's better packages that bronze which are at affordable prices.

In addition, I was uploading vBulletin to my website and discovered that their upload speeds were amazing too, with my previous hosts it took me about 30 minutes to upload all the files, it took me less than 5 with DarcHosts.

I know you're probably thinking 'All web-hosting companies offer this and most that offer it can't really provide it'. Not with this one, I was promised security, perfection, brilliant performance, affordable packages that aren't over-rated or over-selling well it's safe to say I received this. DarcHosts does everything it says on the tin, not like a lot of other providers out there.

Thanks for taking the time to read my testimonial/feedback.
We, are very happy that you are enjoying the services u pay for !

When he says shells dont work they simply appear blank :D
Hmmm a new member joins, makes two posts praising Darchost and the owner replies 3 minutes later.... I smell something fishy.
Yes, the owner responded after me because I told him on his personal MSN about the thread, so he could see what I think of his web-hosting, why not get someone with the correct jurisdiction to check the IP's? They're both unique and not from a 'proxy'. Also I think you could see the difference between us because our grammar and punctuation are of two different levels. I see where you're coming from, but don't make false accusations.
Yes, the owner responded after me because I told him on his personal MSN about the thread, so he could see what I think of his web-hosting, why not get someone with the correct jurisdiction to check the IP's? They're both unique and not from a 'proxy'. Also I think you could see the difference between us because our grammar and punctuation are of two different levels. I see where you're coming from, but don't make false accusations.

I didn't make any accusations in my original post but now I will, I personally think he wrote this review and got you to register and paste it you are "friends" so it wouldn't surprise me. You can't expect this review to have any credibility at all Darchost and rather than attracting clients I think it'll just scare them away.
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