Selling MultiPoster 7: Advanced Topic Distribution, Reply and Maintenance

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Active Member
The next generation of the Multi-Poster series is here!

Website Type Plugins
No need to wait for an application update for new website types - version 7 uses plugins instead. Simply drop a .dll file into the /plugins folder!

Everyone Can Be A Developer
Have knowledge of a .net language? Create a plugin yourself! The application has many pre-created methods to aid and simplify the routine!

Forum Style Or "Alternate" MP4 Style
Don't like the forum layout of Blend? As a result of user feedback, the older "multi-tabbed" layout has been added to make creating multiple-topics at the same time extremely simple!

Create, Reply and Edit
Create, reply and maintain your topics! Edit existing topics or replies with new content or links automatically in the click of a button. Make the changes, click "commit changes" and the application will edit every single topic on every single website you sent it to!

Synchronous Independent Anti-Flood Threading
Some websites are fast, some are slow. Traditionally you send a topic to many forums, and wait until every website is complete before the timer begins to send the next topic. That's how it usually works. But what if I have 3 or 4 sites slowing the whole process down? Solution - Make each website completely independent. When the application has sent a topic to a site - it doesn't wait for the rest to finish - it independently waits by itself, and continues to send the next topic when it has finished - all on its own, completely eliminating the waiting time for the slower sites, and speeding up the entire process dramatically!

Built-In LinkChecker with Graveyard
Tired of checking if you're links are dead or alive? The application will automatically scan through all topics and replies and let you know in a single click! The application will even optionally move dead topics to the Graveyard section if you wish.

Private Message Notifications
Not sure if someone is trying to contact you on a website? The appplication will scan each website for Private Message notifications and give you a count of how many you have. Extremely useful if you are being warned for posting incorrect topics and helps avoid being banned.

Automatic Register, ID Grabber, Credential and URL Validity Checker
One-Click register makes signing up a breeze. Comfirm whether your username and password are valid by simply clicking a button. Add the Url Checker to ensure your template is pointing to the right url, and the ID grabber, and the Multi-Poster 7 makes it extremely easy to create a template, register on the forum and get the details needed!

Built-In Multi-Poster 6/5 Template Converter
Sick of creating templates? If you own a previous version, the application will automatically import and convert templates from previous versions so you don't have to create them all over again!

  • Web proxy support
  • Ultra-Fast synchronous multi-threaded distribution
  • Anti-Bot bypass system (reCaptcha, DeCaptcha, Random Questions, etc)
  • CaptchaTrader, AntiGate and DeathByCaptcha support
  • Tags, topic icon and prefix support
  • Regular expression support for individual websites to auto-modify topics/replies per-site
  • Built-In IMDB Generator and Cover Image Downloader
  • Share distributed topics with: Delicious, Digg, email, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook.
  • And much much more!

Price: £14.99

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NOTE: Existing customers can purchase Version 7 at a discount price here:

For any other information, feel free to contact us, ur reply to this thread. Please also note that this thread is NOT FOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT. If you require customer support, please use the extremecoderz forum
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