Mother kills baby for interrupting FarmVille session

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This is seriously f*cked up, for the love of god what is the world coming too.
i have a 3 year old daughter and i play farmville but only when i have free time like once a week sometimes i never knew that game would be so addictive till i saw this news.
What a sad story , she looks like an drug addict too.
As punishment she should get raped by 5 sex predators with 18 inch dicks.
zynga worth more than EA??? WTF... This must be a mistake because I never liked zynga, full of crap games that bloated fb.
25 to 50 years ONLY? Should've gotten life for that. Stupid bitch. Hope she get's cut in the big house.

Yes, Zynga is worth more than EA. In fact I heard Google is planning on buying the whole social gaming enchilada.
I really hate Xynga <_< Assholes they have just ruined peoples mind :|

Those stupid features are really very annoying and this one was going to happen, never thought about this but some mishap like this was going to happen.

May the baby's soul rest in peace.
They never ruined people's mind, it is the people's responsibility about their mind. Now this is called addiction. This is just a fantasy world never bring this on the real world. Be a responsible netizen.
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