MobyMaster.Org needs your review!

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Moby Master

Active Member
I sort things up today with iMack's help (thanks mate). I'll put plugins and logo when someone create it :( I give you one month RS account + some $.
In a couple of days I'll submit to Katz firstly.
Do not write stupid questions like as ''You post on so much sites, why you need site?'' The answer is: I'll upload up to 6 servers here, while I post on other forums just 2 mirrors.
The URL is:
Thank you for spend your time.
Get a simple skin man and loose all the other sections cuz all u gonna do is upload-post-submit, not gonna get a community going and that's 4 sure.
Get a better skin. Get a favicon. Center Katz images in footer. Get rid of 'Powered by vBulletin'. Remove vBulletin version.
Ok, seriously, I didn't liked the footer.
Please make an Affiates Table or an Affiliates Box, and put the Katz Buttons there, that would look fine then.
Well, also, if you are good in Flash, then you can change your Header.
I made this for you. I know its not "so" good, but atleast, I can try.

I'm just suggesting you to try to make something, similar...
I don't have knowledge of Flash, else I would have helped you out. Still, find someone who can make a good Flash Header for the site.
Whats the difference ? .org/.com/.net... same if u ask me!

.org means ORGanization

.com means COMpany

.net means NETwork

.info means INFOrmation

They are not the same, in any way.


Anyways, your domain kinda sucks... the layout is bad too.
Also, why the **** would you put "The Trash Compactor™", including the TM when Projectw has the same thing. Its obvious you copy/pasted or just couldn't think up your own ideas.
2 things I noticed is the home button doesn't work, you get 404 not found and I couldn't find a register button :O
But I like the way you're heading :)

So I found the register link, but it blends with the skin and other writing, maybe you could make it a different colour so it is more visible. :)

Also when you edit your posts you need to advanced edit as it won't save on quick edit :(
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