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Very shitty. If i had a shitty PC XP wouldn't make it 1337. Besides, -50% is -50%, whether you run a game at 10 or 100 FPS. 7 did better than Vista here but it is still nowhere near what I get on XP, in my case.

i too have no problems with win 7 but i do have 2 x gtx295's lol, i game all the time and aint noticed this mate, might be hardware problem you want to take a look at.

No.1 issue for me is drivers, i havent yet had to manually dl and install for any of my hardware
I have a GTX 285 overclocked and I get equal or better FPS in 7 compared to XP/Vista.

Oh and do note, just because you have a good card doesn't mean you'll get the best performance. I had this 285 with 2GB RAM before and couldn't run games such as GTA on max settings (now I can).
Yes but it's just an example. My point is that you can have a great graphics card with a not as good system.
Well, no1 will put a 4870 behind a Pentium 3.

My PC isn't the best of the best but I'm fairly sure you can place it in the high end catogory:

4 GiB DDR 2 800
Phenom II X4 955BE (@ 3.6 Ghz)

Though I admit the last time I've worked with Vista it was with my "old" Athlon64 X2 7750BE @ 2.7 Ghz. But that's still far from a "shitty" CPU. 7 was tested on the Phenom though. I'm not that stupid that I wouldn't know when a PC is to slow to run certain things you know :).
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