Make money with [official]

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Account kelucharan75 - no have files and no have traffic. :))

You can talk a lot, while others earn.
all file-sharing networks that you have written above - the real and legitimate.

If you have not paid, then look for the cause in their files and in its traffic.
hey don't be cleaver my payment immediately otherwise I closed your site its my challenge
I have more than 15 nos proof against your site are really cheater....if you are honest you make your all payment within time...
why you ban my a/c with name kelucharan ?
what is the reason?If you are honest make my payment with in 3 days .......otherwise you see !!!!!!!
Bro i am here...i-filez you'll wait tomorrow, and watch my all friends come here and give proof of your cheat and scam.
You pay me and my friends other wise ready for result.
he think we are all foolish & ediot ....only he is cleaver....make my payment now otherwise you see the result within month
A quick google search = this filehost is very risky. Stay away from them.

Thread locked. We don't want random/noob filehosts infesting WJ. Go elsewhere.
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