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Active Member
This has been going on for a long time but and is really pissing me off.
People often post something like, "why would you buy this when......." in a sales thread, or ".. yet another warez forum" or "there are already several forums why do you want to start another" in case someone is seeking help to start a warez site.

Check this for what I mean:[95-available].html
and the post #4 and #6.

They are clearly diverting people from buying this the product/service of this guy.
IMO, this should be made against the rules of Wj.

You may argue that by posting that you are trying to make people aware of alternatives, but if you do want to give people alternatives then post in "Webmaster resources" section regarding this. Why would you hinder someone else who is trying to make money?
Do you go to Amazon's movies section and post there, "why would you buy when you can download a torrent?"? NO YOU DON'T. Then don't do it here too.
Your comments not only make annoy someone but also make the forum dull. People will start hating these forums due to rude remarks they get. This not only affects the potential customer base from Wjunction but also external as people always google before buying and if they come to this thread and then the merchant is losing money.

Whenever someone asks for help on creating a warez site someone or the other comments about the numerous existing sites. Those are totally unproductive comments. He didn't ask for whether he should or not, he already made up his mind that he wants to and now he needs help. If the guy wants to start a forum then let him. If you want to warn him regarding competition then simultaneously post the answer he seeks as well.

The only negative response here should be a review of the product(in which case you should be a customer) itself and not the concept or the idea of the product. Because such brash comments will prevent people from posting the next time fearing a similar situation.
The OP can always report such posts and we will be happy to deal with it. Rules do say - useless / unnecessary / off-topic posts are not allowed. Be it anywhere on the forum.
The OP can always report such posts and we will be happy to deal with it. Rules do say - useless / unnecessary / off-topic posts are not allowed. Be it anywhere on the forum.

Useless/unnecessary classification is very broad for such comments, a rule specific to such situations needs to be introduced. I asgree with msk, infracting is one of the option.
Useless/unnecessary classification is very broad for such comments, a rule specific to such situations needs to be introduced. I asgree with msk, infracting is one of the option.

We already do that Yashraj, only to cases where people more often misuse the sales thread or go beyond their limits. We cannot infract everyone who posts on a sales thread.

This is specifically mentioned in our rules already, we're re-working on the rules and publish it as soon as possible. (Just delaying it because of the upgrade errors).
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