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Active Member
hey guys, i bet there are already tons of posts and people available in this forum asking for help and shits like mine but hey let's give a try. i wanna give the keys to my website to the person who's willing to fix my website.

i'm kinda stumped with my site's code. it takes at least 10sec to load the index and i'm not sure if the issue is caused by heavily modified script or the index images. despite the server changes, i still think that i'm not that big to switch to VPS hosting, but shared one which is a huge troll, indeed.

the above is so annoying X-( so, if you can help me i would appreciate it in advance. i need a major code-overhaul, so i guess i need somebody who can perform extreme code-makeover - from coding part to designing face off. i'll try to accommodate everybody's questions and meanwhile buy your service. i know it'll take time and cracking nerves, but if can help me in the name of web love, i'll bless you like...foreva. you can pm me at any time. thanx
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