Mac vs pc! The final showdown!

Mac or PC

  • Mac

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • PC

    Votes: 40 85.1%

  • Total voters
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@azerone that's exactly what I'm trying to say. This whole PC vs Mac thing is stupid. It's more of a Windows VS Mac OS. Both a PC and a Mac can dualboot either OS. Although one is more expensive, the build quality is much better, higher battery life. lighter, etc. I just take apple is premium quality (laptop wise).

Before some idiot comes in saying you can get the same specs for half the price. True for desktops but not laptops. Anything remotely powerful as a macbook pro is either heavier, less battery life, etc. I own a dell xps 15 & a macbook pro 15 2.2.
I agree with you, that Apple does have some nice laptops, but there still pretty expensive, but i you can't really customize your apple products.
Considering that I haven't touched a mac since the days of the Apple Mac Classic (showing my I'm not really qualified to judge technically but in terms of personal preference? gotta be the PC for me.
All you guys that are voting PC most likely never used a mac.

Iv used it and to be nice its horrible, its good for those people not to computer savvy. Trust me i hate using stuff that doesn't let me do what i want with, let me give you another example THE IPHONE AND ALL THE OTHER CRAP THAT APPLE POOPS OUT ITS DIRTY BUTTOCKS. :P
Hmm, where to start.

Here's my outlook.

Macs are nice and shiny. Yep that's it.

Sure they "don't get viruses" give it about 5 years(personally I don't see it happening) but if Mac EVER took over the business world then guess what apple lovers, ALL viruses would start to flock over to mac because it would actually have VALUABLE information other than low life college kids with their vast amount of emptiness inside of their bank accounts.

So viruses will be on macs very soon. They don't get them as commonly now because "hackers" couldn't give two shits about the 8th grade girl's "graduation" present from their mommy and daddy.

Anyways, let's continue.

People argue about "load time" a lot, and this too is garbage. Give me a 128 SSD for my windows and it'll boot in about 10 seconds. So once again, another theory debunked.

Now, the overall theory that Macs are better than PCs, for the most part derives from the idea that all PCs are shit, because most teenagers grew up on their 1998 Dell gx150(if you don't know what it is, it's complete garbage). And because of the parents stubbornness they refused to get an upgrade, because well, people are morons. Anyways, if you use ANY computer for around 13 years, it'll be burdened with slow performance. Especially if it isn't taken care of properly.

So yes, Mac did 1 thing right. And that is they jumped in at the right time and manipulated an entire world into thinking their product is better than a 1998 dell.

So yea, just some of points. I could go on for hours :P



I can find a laptop the same performance for a lot less, maybe not half, but it'll still have solid battery life. HONESTLY, who uses a laptop for 10 hours straight without having a charger, that's just asinine.
Regardless 6 hours is still plenty for me.
HONESTLY, who uses a laptop for 10 hours straight without having a charger, that's just asinine.
Regardless 6 hours is still plenty for me.

At university, I have classes alll day with more than 600 people on average and I don't think our class halls have a convenient wall outlet near buy, so a MBP comes in handy.

Also, please do link me with a PC that has 10 hours of battery life that's as light as a mac.
Pc all the way

I find that macs are just to complicated to use, yes they have some up sides like the quick processor and great screen. But pc's are always going to be ahead.
At university, I have classes alll day with more than 600 people on average and I don't think our class halls have a convenient wall outlet near buy, so a MBP comes in handy.

Also, please do link me with a PC that has 10 hours of battery life that's as light as a mac.

Well, please, show me which model and I shall look. Even Apple admits with streaming the web, it lasts BEST up to 7 Hours(Pro and Air). So please, direct me to your magical 10 hour laptop.

I'll get a macbook pro next moth, and i dont really care what if one os better than the other, cause it comes with boths OSes, so if i need to use windows all i have to do is reboot my computer
Well, please, show me which model and I shall look. Even Apple admits with streaming the web, it lasts BEST up to 7 Hours(Pro and Air). So please, direct me to your magical 10 hour laptop.


Ugh, are you going to be streaming the web non stop in school? I have the 2010 Feb version of MBP and it can easily last 10 hours.
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