LitePHP - Testers wanted (Download)

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Active Member
Heya people!

Today im going to share LitePHP with you as a pre release so i can get some feedback!

IF your unsure how to do something within the framework then please ask ill explain how to accomplish it!

If you can provide feedback that would be great if not you can just download it and have play :)

Ok heres the download link
MediaFire 28.0KB

Compressed (rar): 28.0 KB
Uncompressed: 172 KB
MD5: 92C11D4A6E1F6E89AEF7088150F2C8B5

Sample Application

Take a look at the following files


Hope i can get some feedback on this!

Programming Rules

Controllers HAVE to be pretended with Controller_
Models HAVE to be pretended with Model_

For access to View / Input / Model .. you need to extend the controller like

class Controller_hello extends Controller
    public function index()
          * Will be run http://site.tld/hello
          * and http://site.tld/hello/index
         $this->View->Assign('id',22); // in template $this->key
         $this->View->Output('home/index'); // will compile and output views/home/index.php

Within templates you can use things like

    <?php $this->inc('sections/head')?>
        Some Link<?php echo $this->url('downloads','view',$this->id) ?>

the $this->inc() function includes a another template file into the main template

and the $this->url creates an url pretended with base_url in your config file
>>> line 64
>>>>> "$message = 'An unknown error accured! Please report this to a website adminsitrator!';"
>>> line 95
>>>> "$message . '<br />An error accured but unable to display due to a missing error file ('.$this->error_file.')';"

I'm not a real oop programmer.. so thats about all you can expect from me :D
I will test this :)

using Nginx with php running as CGI/FastCGI

I got this ..
*Your PHP (5.2.10) is not compatible, Please upgrade to (5.3.0)
Desi, go into startup.php and chenge the following lines

define('LITEPHP_MIN_PHP_VERSION', '5.3.0');


define('LITEPHP_MIN_PHP_VERSION', '5.1.0');

it will work! i forgot to change it before upload :/

controller being your controller

remember controllers have to be prepending with Controller_

class Controller_home extends Controller
   public function show()
      $this->View->Output('home'); //views/home.php



you should always make an index controller and and index method as these are run if the URL doe's not specify a controller and method

every controller should have a index() function
Snow you little bitch! amateur mother fucker lol

Ok everyone ive explained to hime time and time again! not that he a bitch, is that it has a template system!

OK heres the breakdown!

YOu write php in files that are .php format, apache sends these files to the php processor witch in turn processes the files like a template system

it converts php code into text i.e echo 'string';

what snowmanbentrene is trying to say is he wants things like {$var|escape:'html'} i.e smarty

but this is bad! because the template system will have to use hundreds of functions over and over again! to convert {$var|escape:'html'} into <?php echo htmlentites($var); ?>

then PHP Has to process it again to get the string!

so by using a template system your processing code 2 times! and php's template parser is much faster than any other parser on the internet!

All you goto do is use the php tags like its a template system its self!

Perfect example from a quick google search!

Anyone who still wants a template system apart from that other chap then please give me a decent reason why it would be beneficial and will not lower performance

Any real php programmers will agree with me 100%


i neva said iw ant this {$var|escape:'html'}
i want this
If a user is logged in, then this will be displayed!
<!-- ELSE -->
Lite is gay
<!-- ENDIF -->
Adspot for sale, 10 Million hits per month (15$) - says:
<?php if($this->user_logged_in):?>
Hello User
<?php else: ?>
Snow sucks cock
<?php endif; ?>
see my fucking ppoint lol
- ((.snow)) - says:
i agree with lite on this..A Template Manager is useless unless you want to change your site styles very regularly or you want to make a big open source software like phpbb.

By the way, the download limit is reached. Can i get a copy of the framework plz?:'(
Download limit has been reached on rapidshare.. :(
I wanted to test this out, and if you want us to put it on a premium account you can just pm me.
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