Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Why i dont receive my payment ? I requet it on monday, but due bandwith traffic fee, i have during days, less $. Acc 18901991 | normal . Why we dont get it, when you are wrote last week, that we get our $. I hope, that you will pay us, when we live in same country (http://rejstrik-firem.kurzy.cz/27203221/upl-telecom-sro/) ....

And if you wrote you are not charity, why we got on video streaming service adverts ? I guess that is to pay bandwith fees, when we are not in this rule : Please pay your attention to following changes in partnership program: staring from April, 15, stream video views will be charged only from following countries: Russia, Germany, Spain, Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and Canada....
You request payment on April 17, you get your money on Monday, we're doing in pay in paypal only on Monday.
I don't understand your second question

same here, didn't receive payment from monday and payment was cancelled in withdraw tab. now is the amount different cause view traffic is still counted to minus for abandoned countries!
in unpaid countries traffic is not considered !!!

Dear Shareflare and Support Team of Letitbit.

All ftp uploads since 11-04 not working... The files can't be downloaded...

Just wait the 45 secs... and you got nothing...

That's the real problem here...

Can check that?

Best Regards,

Links on files
you wont help me? even reply on my PMS?

all my money losted??

all my efforts get away?? because u dont want to understand that what done just by mistake?

why u dont think even 1 sec that i'm right?? and also i requested payment before banning acc and u wrote done and didnt receive it

i want positive request from u plz think about that

waiting for ur reply
in unpaid countries traffic is not considered !!!

and what do you think bout this? and what about that cancelled requests?

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